Torah classes
Torah Classes
Rabbi Tzvi AviNer
(2022 CLASSES)
- INTRODUCTION-1 /The USA Congress Declaration
- I N T R O D U C T I O N / Noah’s Commandments as a Group
- IDOLATRY-1/The Prohibition of IDOLATRY in the Ten Commandments (2023)
- IDOLATRY-2/ Meet EeLoHiM
- IDOLATRY-3/ELKM’s Ways of Judging
- I D O L A T R Y -4 / Is Genesis a Bronze-Age Myth?
- IDOLATRY-5/What is Good in ELKM’s Eyes?
- IDOLATRY-6/How Long is a Day of CREATION?
- IDOLATRY-7/Is Genesis Compatible with Science?
- IDOLATRY-8/The Merciful Attribute, YHVH
- IDOLATRY-9/The Shchinah
- IDOLATRY-10/ELKM Made Adam to Withstand IDOLATRY Trial
- IDOLATRY-11/ELKM Consulted the Six Days and Made Adam’s Body
- IDOLATRY-12/ELKM Consulted His Wisdom and Made Adam’s Mind
- IDOLATRTY-13/ELKM Consulted His Spirit and Made Adam’s Artistic Mind
- IDOLATRY-14/Our Sweetest Idol: Our Self
- IDOLATRY-15/ELKM Consulted Procreation and Made Adam’s Sex Drive
- IDOLATRY-16/ ELKM Consulted Seeking Power and Planted it in Adam
- IDOLATRY-17/ELKM Consulted YHVH and Made Adam for the IDOLATRY Trial
- IDOLATRY-18/The IDOLATRY Commandment of Sinai
- IDOLATRY-19/Evil: Who Created it, When and How?
- IDOLATRY-20/ The Sabbath of Genesis, our First Meal
- IDOLATRY-21/The Sabbath of the Exodus, the Second Meal
- IDOLATRY-22/The Sabbath of the Tabernacle, the Third Meal
- O L D — C L A S S E S
- IDOLATRY-1/The List of all possible idols
- IDOLATRY-2/How To Believe and Know that God exists
- IDOLATRY-3/Know Me By These Names
- IDOLATRY-4/The Heavenly Court of Genesis
- IDOLATRY-4/ELoKiM/Who created the world, and for what purpose?
- IDOLATRY-4b/Is Genesis another Bronze-age Myth?
- IDOLATRY-5/ELKM/What Constitutes Good in ELKM eyes?
- IDOLATRY- 7/ELKM/ How Long was a Day of CREATION?
- IDOLATRY- 8/ELKM/ Genesis Vs Science (Full version)
- IDOLATRY- 10/ELKM/Does Moses concur with Science about Adam? Science’ story
- IDOLATRY-11/ELKM/Moses’ Account of Adam creation
- IDOLATRY 11/The Heavenly Self, the Arbiter, the “I Am”
- IDOLATRY-12/ELKM/He Opened the Door for IDOLATRY
- I D O L A T R Y -13/The Meaning of Oneness
- IDOLATRY-13/ ELKM/Building Adam for the IDOLATRY Trial 2
- IDOLATRY-14/YHVH/The Beautiful Acronym of MERCY
- IDOLATRY-15/Evil In YHVH’S Eyes
- IDOLATRY-16/The Idols’ List in the Ten Commandments
- I D O L A T R Y -16/Noah’s Oneness
- I D O L A T R Y -17/Nature, a Beautiful Idol
- IDOLATRY-17/Three sorts of Kingships (2022)
- I D O L A T R Y-18/Science, the Successful Idol (2023)
- IDOLATRY-18/Adam’s Birthday Holiday
- yhvh wings
- C LA S S E S OF 2023
- ADULTERY-1/Where Is The Garden Of Eden? (2023)
- ADULTERY-2/The Journey of our Soul, Neshamah
- ADULTERY-3/The Two Primordial Sins
- ADULTERY-4/What Did Adam and Eve Gain by Sin?
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- O L D — C L A S S E S
- ADULTERY-2/Sin is to Transgress Our Father in Heaven’s Advice
- ADULTERY-3/ Sin is to Transgress Our KING’s Command
- ADULTERY- 4 / Sin is illogical
- ADULTERY- 5/ Marriage and ADULTERY
- ADULTERY- 6/The Humans Vs The Serpent
- ADULTERY-7/ The Primordial Sin
- ADULTERY- 8/ Sin is Shameful in YHVH’s Eyes
- ADULTERY-9/ Adam, Where Are You?
- ADULTERY-10/Eden and the Perception of YHVH
- ADULTERY-11/From Eden to Earth and Back
- Rosh Hashanah: High Holiday For Mankind
- ADULTERY-5/Their Eyes Opened and They Saw- What?
- ADULTERY-2/Eden/Giving Adam The Six Commandment
- ADULTERY-3/ Eden/The Woman, Marriage, and Adultery
- ADULTERY-4/Eden/Did The Serpent Match The Woman?
- ADULTERY-6/ Adam, Where Are You?
- ADULTERY-1/(2017) Where and When was Eden Form?
- ADULTERY-2 (2017) / Building the concept of the Primordial Sin
- ADULTERY-5/Eden/ Their Eyes Opened And They Saw – What?
- ADULTERY-3 (2018) /Eden: Sin is illogical
- ADULTERY-4 (2017) /Marriage and Adultery
- ADULTERY-5 (2018) /The Serpent and the Primordial Sin
- purim talk 2016
- O L D – C L A S S E S
- BLOODSHED and NOAH-1/What does it mean to KNOW Evil and Good?
- BLOODSHED-2/What did Eve see at her childbirth? (2023/4)
- BLOODSHED and NOAH-3/Identifying with Abel
- BLOODSHED and NOAH-5/The Infamous Children of ELKM
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- NOAH and BLOODSHED-1/Why Did Eve Name Him Cain
- NOAH and BLOODSHED-2/Cain! Sin crouches at the door! (2022)
- NOAH and BLOODSHED-3/Cain Murdering Abel
- NOAH and BLOODSHED-4/Cain’s Infamous Children of ELKM
- NOAH and BLOODSHED-5/Enosh, the Priest of MERCY
- NOAH and BLOODSHED-6/Cain’s Demise
- NOAH and BLOODSHED-7/The Heavenly Court in Session Before the Flood
- NOAH and BLOODSHED-7/Noah’s Ark and its Moral Message
- O L D — C L A S S E S 2021
- BLOODSHED-3/The Rainbow Covenant and Noahides (2022)
- BLOODSHED-4/Cain’s Children Against Enosh’ Disciples
- BLOODSHED-4/Enosh and Noah
- BLOODSHED-4/The Rainbow Covenant for Humanity (2022)
- BLOODSHED-5/Noah, Naama, and Cain’s Demise
- BLOODSHED-5/ Enosh, the lIustrious Priest of MERCY
- BLOODSHED-6/Cain demise
- BLOODSHED-7/Noah , Naama, Oneness, and the Sabbath
- BLOODSHED-9/Noah’s Ark and its moral message
- BLOODSHED-10/The Drama at the Ark’s Exit
- BLOODSHED-11/ The The Rainbow Covenant/YHVH’S Wing
- BLOODSHED-12/The Rainbow Covenant/ ELoKiM’s Wing
- BLOODSHED-13/Noah’s Rainbow Covenant
- BLOODSHED and NOAH-2/Correcting Adam’s Sin
IV: Theft
- THEFT-1/Transition from BLOODSHED to THEFT
- THEFT-2/The Tower of Babel and New Technology
- THEFT-3/Abraham Departing from Noah
- THEFT-4/Abraham’s Trial and Tribulations
- THEFT-5/Abraham Opposite Sodom, Forever?
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- 2022 C L A S S E S
- THEFT-1/Noahide Prayer Shawl
- THEFT-2/The Tower of Babylon
- THEFT-3/What is Special About Abraham’s Faith?
- THEFT-4/Abraham Opposite Sodom, Forever!
- THEFT-5/What do We Learn from the Binding of Isaac?
- o l d -c l a s s e s
- THEFT-2/The Tower-of-Babel’s Social Order
- THEFT-1/Noah’s Drunkenness and Shem’ Shawl
- THEFT-2/One Language, One Matter, One religion
- THEFT-3/King Nimrod, the Great Communicator
- THEFT-4/Nimrod the Tyrant and his Tower of Babel
- THEFT-5/Abraham’s Unique Contribution To Our Faith
- THEFT-6/Abraham’s Trials and Blessings
- THEFT-7/Who could be Abraham’s heir?
- THEFT-8/Protecting Abraham from identiy theft
- THEFT-9 /Abraham Covenant and Circumcision
- THEFT-10/Abraham opposite Sodom, forever!
- THEFT-11/ The Binding of Isaac and the Heavenlly Court
V: Justice & Holiness
- JUSTICE-1/How Can a Noahide Be Holy? (2023)
- JUSTICE-2/Jacob or Esau, Who is the Firstborn? (2024)
- JUSTICE-3/Israel or Jacob? (2024)
- JUSTICE-4/Dina and the Yeshiva for BN (2024)
- JUSTICE-1/Jacob’s Contribution to JUSTICE (6-2022)
- JUSTICE-2/Jacob’s Ladder
- O L D C L A S S E S
- JUSTICE-1/Jacob Sought Justice and His Civil Rights
- JUSTICE-2/ King Solomon’s Throne of Justice
- RoshHashanah: The King Ascends on the Throne of Judgment
- JUSTICE-3/Jacob and Esau, the twins who sought justice
- JUSTICE-4/Jacob’s Blessing on Condition
- JUSTICE-5/Jacob’s Ladder Dream
- JUSTICE-6/ Israel: Justice with Peace
- JUSTICE -7/Israel, who chants with El
- JUSTICE-8/The Justice (Din) of Dinah
- JUSTICE-1/Jacob’s Contribution to Justice and Civil Order (2022)
- BLASPHEMY-1/The Devastating Bad Mouth (2024)
- BLASPHEMY-2/Judah and Tamar, Joseph with his Master’s Wife
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- BLESPHAMY-1/Why Did The Shechianah Departed From Jacob
- BLASPHEMY-2/The Messiah the Son of Judah, and the Son of Joseph
- BLASPHEMY-3/The Messiah and Sanctification of God’s Name
- O L D C L A S S E S
- BLASPHEMY-1/Selling Joseph
- BLASPHEMY-2/Judah and Tamar
- BLASPHEMY-3/Joseph and his master’s wife
- BLASPHEMY-4/How Joseph Sanctify God Name in Pharaoh’s eyes
- BLASPHEMY-5/ The unique birth of the Children of Israel
- BLASPHEMY-6/Judah opposing Joseph: who pravailed?
- BLASPHEMY-2/The Messiah the Son of Judah, and the Son of Joseph
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- ……………….TOPICS IN GENESIS ……..
- KABBALA-1: Why With LOVE?
- Topics in Genesis/Why the World Needs Noahides
- ביקור במקדש ותפילה לבני נח
- Topics – 3/Temple Visit and Noahide. Morning Prayer
- TOPICS- 4/who Protect Hagar and Ishmael
- מי שומר על הגר וישמעאל
- Topics in Genesis – 5 / Yehovah or YHVH?
- ויקרא: עשה רצוני כרצונך ם
- בשבילי נברא העולם
- For Me the World was Ctrated
- Topics in Genesis -6/But Flesh with its Soul, its Blood, Don’t Eat
- Topics in Genesis: Homosexuality?
- Topics in Genesis -8/Be Abraham’s Ally
- Topics in Genesis -10/Slandering, Leshon Hara
- יוסף ואחיו ולשון הרע
- Topics in Genesis – 11/ Jacob’s End of Time and Noahides
- יעקב , אחרית הימים ובני נח
- יעקב, רחל, לאה ואהבה
- Jacob, Rachel, Leah and Love
- Halachic Vs Mystic Messiah 1: Isaiah? Daniel? Bilaam?
Bilaam & Messiah
- BILAAM AND THE MESSIAH-1/The Yeshiva of Bnei Noah’s Curriculum (2022)
- Bilaam and the Messiah-2/The Greatest Story Ever Told
- BILAAM and the MESSIAH-3/Examining Israel’s Roots and Faith
- BILAAM and The Messiah-4/Raising Righteous peoples
- O L D —– C L A S S E S
- MESSIAH-1/King Balak and his three accusations
- MESSIAH-2 /The talking she donkey and her three revelations
- MESSIAH-3/How did Bilaam loose one eye?
- MESSIAH-4/Bilaam’s Messianic Age
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