Rabbi Dr Zvi Aviner
Nov 2021
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IDOLATRY-17/Three Kingships
Last class we learned that G-d, ELHM, wishes Adam to excel
beyond everything else that He had created during the Six Days
While all creatures created before Adam had to be deemed ‘good’ by ELHM
In order to see the next Day
Adam would have to be deemed Very Good –
to see the next Day- the Sabbath
Moses also tells us that ELHM wishes Man to win our trial,
and for that, He has made several major concessions towards Man
First, He passed a premature Judgment in the middle of the Sixth Day,
clearing up the room for Adam to grow and excel in our habitat, Earth
In that Judgment, He eliminated all the pre-historic giant creatures (of Pangea)
that could not live side by side with Adam
He must have also changed the environment in our favor,
allowing us to grow and proliferate and rule the Earth
Secondly, He came forwards towards Man by changing the way He rules.
Whereas before, He ruled by the upper hand as a Dictator,
giving orders like a Dictator, tolerating no rebellion,
asking no one’s opinion, Consulting no one, ruling “awesomely alone”
But before making Adam, He spoke in plural, saying Let Us…
In other words, He “stepped down” from His High Pedestal as a Dictator
And spoke in a different tone,
as a “King Who Consults,” a Democratic KING
thereby relaxing His rule, tolerating more our sins and transgressions
Thirdly, ELHM then made the greatest concession towards Mankind
by relinquishing more of His sole Power
He turned to another Attribute of the Infinite CREATOR
Whose name is the Beautiful Acronym YHVH
And invited Her to come over and share the new Heavenly Court with Him
He did that for us, because Her Advent in the court
would offer Adam the option to repent, ask forgiveness, and start all over again
and give Adam a chance to become Very Good.
How would Adam become Very Good?
Here is a surprise.
You would expect that to be Very Good In ELHM’s eyes
Would mean that Adam would emulate ELHM
that Adam would create new technology, be very wise
and keep all of ELHM’s Commandments.
But that would make Adam only “good” in ELHM’s eyes, not Very Good
But Moses says that being Very Good in ELHM’s eyes
Means that Adam would do in this world
something that the Attribute of JUDGMENT would not do
and there is only one such thing-
into ELHM’s Word
As the text shows,
YHVH then entered our World
as a thin ray of Light, a Shy Dove, or a beautiful Cherub
As it is shown here
………………………………..The Sixth Day ……………………………….
And ELoHiM made the animals…cattle…and everything creeping
And ELoHiM saw that is was good…
And ELoHim said let us make Adam in our form and our image…
And ELoHiM blessed them saying be fruitful and multiply…
And EloHiM said behold, I have given you all the grass…
And ELoHiM saw everything that He had done and behold, it was
Very good (Tov Meod) And it was evening, and it was morning,
Y om (Day)
H a Shishi, (Sixth) (Genesis 1:31)
………………………… The Sabbath Day ………………………………………
V aYechulu (and they ended)
H aShamyim (the Heaves)And the Earth, VeHaaretz, and all their hosts,
And ELoHiM finished all the work he had done,
And ELoHiM finished on the Seventh Day His work which He had done,
And He abstained on the Seventh Day from all His work which He had done
And ELKM blessed the Seventh Day…” (Genesis 2: 1-2)
As you see,
YHVH connects, like a Bridge
the Sixth Day to the Sabbath
Entering our world
YHVH “Observed” our World,
As a Bride who examines her groom’s home for the first time
Would she be comfortable here? Could she live here?
So YHVH said, so to speak, to HLHM
How would I share your world,
Where I see no PLACE to rest my Wing
Where there is no heart in which I could Dwell?
The Y-H “half” of YHVH that has entered our world
is called The Dweller, Shechinah
Indeed, you can find MERCY and COMPASSION in ELHM’s world
Only as a natural reflex, shown by mothers to their cubs,
But only for a short time
only as a tool, made by ELHM, for the preservation of the species
Hearing Her, so to speak
ELHM said in plural voice
“Let Us Make Adam in Our Form and Our Image”
I will make him like me, able to emulate me
And I will carve out a room in his heart
Where you can enter and Dwell
So that he would emulate you
In other words
In Adam’s heart you could dwell, if he invites you in
Your Light he would spread, if he dedicates himself to you
Your work he would perform, if he accepts your kingship on him
We will teach him
to abide by my Laws
and to love you as you love him
to bring your HOLINESS into this world
to do your COMPASSION and MERCY in my world
YHVH agreed, and like two cherubs in Love, holding Wing against Wing
The two Attributes “flew over CREATION”
From the Sixth Day back to the Beginning
Thereby consolidating CREATION by their Oneness
henceforth the world has a direction
it would proceed to the Sabbath, and would not falter
And here lies the big surprise
In order to be Very Good in ELHM’s eyes
Man is expected not only to emulate ELHM
To create technology, conquer the world, and abide by ELHM’s Laws
But to do more than that:
Since YHVH is very sensitive to our feelings and objection of Her
We need to accept the Merciful YHVH Reign over us, day by day
Twice a day
To keep Her in our heart and our world
We need to invite YHVH into our heart
To unite YHVH and ELHM in our hearts and minds
To Love YHVH and ELHM as One
And to enthrone YHVH ELHM on us
But since everything that ELHM does is for a trial and judgment
ELHM warns us that if we have failed to become Very Good
Failed to unite YHVH with ELHM in our minds and deeds
She would fly away from us with disgust, disappointment
Angry or fumed,
Leaving us in the Hands of The Attribute of JUDGMENT
only , to our detrimental
Only if we’ve managed to become Very Good in ELHM’s eyes
We would see the next Day,
The Sabbath.
But as the Angels noted,
While speaking in plural, ELHM opened the door for idolaters
To think there is more than One Creator
There are many types of IDOLATRY,
But the highest and most dangerous one is
Man’s tendency to separate the Attributes
To worship one and not the other
to think that YHVH and ELHM are two different gods
This indeed happen once in Noah’s generation
That split into two competing camps
One camp worshipped only ELHM and His harsh ways
The other camp worshipped only YHVH and Her MERCY
both sides degenerating from their IDOLATRY
committing heinous “hamas” which is a terrible combination
of mugging and murdering under the sunlight with no fear
moreover, they fought each other to the death
which sealed their fate and brought upon them the Great Flood
Only Noah and his nuclear family
Abided by YHVH ELHM Oneness
and therefore were saved by the Heavenly Court of YHVH ELHM
Noah feared that humanity is destined to make the same mistake again
And that his own children would also split, sooner or later,
Between the two Attributes, so he refused to procreate after the Flood
It was only after the Heavenly Court of YHVH ELHM promised him
To be more patient with humanity,
That Noah agreed to start civilization again,
as it is shown in the text of the Rainbow Covenant
under which we still live
But a few thousands of years later, after Noah,
our generation is showing the same split between the Attributes
Half of humanity today following Allah in harsh way
the second half, following MERCY and Love
while both camps sides are guilty of so much BLOODSHED
Both sides at the throat of each other
threatening to FINISH our world by an
atomic Flood of fire
No wonder why our ocean is rising, like in Noah’s time
Our shores are battered by increasingly more ferocious storms
Like in Noah time
And our globe is getting wormer
Like in Noah’s time
Our weeks are set up to RECALL the story
To live by it all our lives
The Sabbath can’t be replaced by Friday or by Sunday
Since if you do that, you’ve wiped out the entire message
Three Types of Kingship
Thus, Chapter One presents
three types to Heavenly Kingdoms
1 The Kingdom of ELHM alone, during the Six Day
- The Kingdom of YHVH ELHM under which we currently live
- The Kingdom of YHVH alone, ruling over the Sabbath
We can now identify the Heavenly Court in Moses’ Ten Commandments:
First of the Ten Commandments
- I Am (Essence)
- YHVH your ELHM (Attributes)
- Who took you out of Egypt Land (Kingship)
Second of the Ten Commandments
- You shall have no other ELHM besides me
- You shall not carve out any image
You shall not bow to them nor serve the
Clearly, we live under the Kingship of (line 2) YHVH EL
Lets’ see how the above considerations has been incorporated in our prayer liturgy
Adon Olam
The prayer book opens by an ancient song that captures the three Kinships shown in Genesis:
Master (LORD) of the Universe
Who reigned before anything was created,
While everything was created by His Will
His Name was proclaimed a KING
And after everything ended
He will rule awesomely alone
And He was, and He is, and He will be
In Glory
And He is One
And there no Second Onecompared to Him
To consort with Him
Without beginning, without end
Power and dominion belong to Him
The song starts by saying that ELHM was even before the Beginning
And that He became a KING, while creating
And that He rules Awesomely Alone
Then the song mentions the acronym YHVH
He was, He is, He will be
Then it mentions their Oneness,
also called Glory (Tifee-ret) which is YHVH ELHM Kingship
Then the trial of Oneness: He is One…
Hence the song, composed more than a thousand years ago
follows G-d’s Three Kingships
Baruch She-amar (Blessed is He Who Said)
Blessed is He who spoke and the world came into being
Blessed is He
Blessed is He who says the does
Blessed is He who decrees and sustains
Blessed is He who made the Beginning
Blessed is He who has a compassion on the Earth
Blessed is He who has a compassion on the creatures
Blessed is he who rewards well those who revere Him
Blessed is He who is alive forever and exists forever
Blessed is He who redeems and saves
Blessed is His Name
Blessed are
The KING of the Universe
The El, Our Merciful Father
Who is praised by His people
And with the songs of David your servant
We shall praise You….
The song starts by praising ELHM as a CREATOR
Who created by orders,
Who still sustains the World by His Commands,
Then the song mentions YHVH’s Compassion
Then His appearance (in Egypt) as The Redeemer
Then the song Blesses G-d in the way He presents Himself
in the First of the Ten Commandments
I Am , essence
YHVH your ELHM, Attributes
who took you out of Egypt (The King of the Universe)
Then it adds a new Tittle of G-d – Our FATHER
The Shema
Hear Oh Israel
YHVH is our ELHM
We accept in the Shema
Todays’ Kingship of YHVH ELHM
And hope to see the futuristic Kingship of YHVH