The Heavenly Court in Session Before the Flood
“And the Earth corrupted before ELoKiM”
1: The Text
Do you wish to see the Heavenly Court in session? Here is the chance of your life.
In the following text, the Heavenly Court (G-d) decides the fate of –
Noah’s generation to perish
Noah and his family to survive.
The text reads as follows:
“And YHVH saw that the evilness of Adam was great on Earth,
and that all the impulses of his heart are evil all day long,
so YHVH regretted that He/She had made Adam on Earth,
and was saddened to His/Her Heart, and YHVH said,
I will wipe out Adam whom I had made from the face of the Earth
both Man and Cattle to creeping things and the bird of the air
for I regret making them. And Noah found face in the eyes of YHVH.These are the generations of Noah.
Noah was a complete, righteous man In his generations,With ELoHiM Noah walked, and Noah begot three sons, Shem ham and Yafet.
And the Earth corrupted before ELoKiM
and ELoKiM saw The Earth and behold it was corrupt;
for all flesh filled with hamas, and corrupted its way on Earth.
And ELoKiM said to Noah, the end of all flesh has come before me,
for the Earth is filled with their hamas,
and I shall destroy them with Earth
and I, myself, shall bring the Flood on Earth
to destroy all flesh In which is breath of life
from Under the Heavens, and everything that is on Earth shall die.” (Genesis 6:5-13)
This is what you see in the Bible’s text.
The following is the same unedited text showing its unique structure.
It comes as two WINGS.
The first wing (in blue) describes YHVH’s assessment of Mankind and Noah o
The second wing (in red) describes ELoKiM’s judgment of Noah and Mankind
Each segment has an extension in the middle (in brown)
describing the Attributes’ assessment of Noah and his son The text presents the Heavenly Court (HC) comprised by the two Attributes “in session.”
The beauty of this presentation of the Court is unparalleled.
The Heavenly Court is depicted as a ‘butterfly” with two Wings: of YHVH and of ELoKiM.
Each Wing expresses the assessment of One Attribute.
Then comes the expression “I myself” (in purple) that presents
the final verdict of the Court (The SELF) in Oneness and agreement.
Let’s read the text attentively:
2: The two Wings of the Heavenly Court
And YHVH saw that the evilness of Adam was great on Earth, and
That all the impulses of his heart are evil all day long, and YHVH
Regretted that He had made Adam on Earth, and was
Saddened to His Heart, and YHVH said,
I will wipe out Adam whom I had
Made from the face of the
Earth, both Man and
Cattle to creeping
Things and the
Bird of the air,
For I regret
Making them.”
And NOAH found face in the eyes of YHVH
These are the generations of NOAH,
NOAH was a complete, righteous man in his
Generations, with ELoHiM NOAH walked, NOAH
begot three sons, Shem ham and Yafet
“And the Earth corrupted
before ELoKiM, and the Earth fille
with hamas, ELoKiM saw the Earth and
behold it was corrupt, for all flesh corrupted its
way on Earth, and ELoKiM said to NOAH the end
of All flesh has come before me, for the Earth is filled
with their hamas, and I shall destroy them with Earth, and
“I, MYSELF, shall bring the Flood on Earth to destroy
all flesh in which is breath of life from under the Heavens
and everything that is on Earth shall die” (Genesis 6: 5-13)
Here is a unique opportunity to learn about the Heavenly Court’s expectations from us.
Note the Court’s Protocol: YHVH speaks first then ELoKiM.
The same ‘protocol’ would be followed throughout the Bible.
For instance – at the Sinai revelation,
YHVH speaks first – about the human heart,
then ELHM speaks the Laws – the Ten Commandments.
The Attribute of MERCY, YHVH, speaks first, because “She” is supreme.
This is also an opportunity to know what Each attribute is standing for.
YHVH always speaks about the human heart,
while ELHM always speaks about the Laws.
Note the perfect symmetry of the two Wings:
YHVH’s Wing (in blue) carries Her Name 4 times
ELoKiM’s Wing (in red) carries His Name 4 times.
YHVH assesses Mankind first 3 times, then Noah once.
ELoKiM’s assesses Noah once then Mankind 3 times, in reverse order of YHVH.
Hence ELoKiM’s Wing continues where YHVH has ended.
YHVH has ended with Noah, whereas ELoKiM starts with Noah.
Hence the two sections can be seen as two Wings of a ‘butterfly’ standing against each other.
The Wings are ‘united’ at their ‘bottom’ with Noah.
And vice versa:
The Attributes’ concerns
As we’ve just said, this extraordinary text clearly shows
what each Attribute is concerned about. Let’s see that in details
1. YHVH is concerned about the human heart
“And YHVH saw that the evilness of Adam was great on Earth,
and that all the impulses of his HEART are evil all day long…” (Genesis 5:5 )
The Merciful YHVH, who dwells in our heart, is concerned about our heart.
Note that YHVH is NOT concerned about Man’s violating the LAW,
And ELKM is not concerned with the human’s heart.
YHVH is concerned about the bad thoughts in our HEART: plotting evil all day long.
What is “evil” in YHVH’S eyes?
King David in Psalms describes “evil people” who stab their innocents fellowmen in the back, who take advantage of the weak and the poor.
YHVH hated the Sodomites because they were “exceedingly “Evil to YHVH”(Genesis 13:13.)
The Sodomites excelled in cruelty and in indifference to the plight of the sick and hungry, as the sages have explained.
2. Evil ih YHVH’s eyes
Note that the term ‘evil’ appears ONLY in YHVH Wing. You wouldn’t see evil related to ELoKiM.
As a rule, ‘evil’ in the Bible is a perspective in YHVH eyes.
Evil is people’s misbehavior- in YHVH’s eyes.
Evil is YHVH’s emotional reaction to Man’s merciless heart,
to Man’s cruel thoughts and actions.
In YHVH eyes, Noah’s generation was ‘evil,’ merciless, lacking compassion and unforgiving.
One should not mix the European imagination of Satan and Demons , with the “evil’ in the Bible.
The only ‘evil’ in YHVH eyes is Man performing whatever YHVH hates.
3. YHVH Regretted Making Adam
”And YHVH regretted that HE/SHE had made the Adam….”
Such a misunderstood verse! Many ‘scholars’ expressed a wonder about “G-d’s childish regret…”.
Unfortunately, they are unaware of the Attribute of G-d involved.
Indeed, ELHM, the Attribute of JUDGEMENT, would never “regret” anything He had done.
Only YHVH, the Attribute of MERCY, has expressed a regret.
For YHVH is here on contingency – She entered our world, as seen in Genesis Chapter One, to participate in Man’s creation (Rashi). She has joined the heavenly Court to offer Mankind the option of repenting and be forgiven.
But Her presence in ELKM’s world depends on Man’s acceptance of Her, inviting Her to enter our heart.
If YHVH finds Man’s heart full of evil – She would “fly away from us,” and from our world, returning to Her Universe – the Eternal Sabbath.
Regretting making Adam means that YHVH considered returning ‘ to Her World, the Eternal Sabbath, leaving us in the Hands of the Harsh Attribute of Justice, ELKM.
If that happens, ELKM would terminate our world to nothingness. Or, He would wipe out the sinners by WATERS, that are His whip as it is said: “And the Spirit of ELKM was hovering over the waters,” (Genesis 1:2) implying He would use water as His whip.
4: YHVH was saddened to Her heart
And He/She was saddened to His/Hers heart”
In addition of regretting Man’s creation, YHVH became “saddened to Her heart” by Man’s evilness.
She was disappointed and sad.
She had expected Mankind to accept Her into our heart, but instead, Mankind choose to accept ‘evil’ in our heart, As you can see, YHVH reaction is EMOTIONAL.
Note that here YHVH was not ‘enraged.’ She would be enraged by the Sodomites’ behavior, and Her reaction would be – not water like ELKM – but rather a shower of fire and brimstones.
Never, never enrage YHVH!
5. YHVH verdict
“And YHVH said, I will wipe out Adam whom I had made from the face of the Earth,
both Man and Cattle to creeping things and the Bird of the air…”
in YHVH’s eyes, Mankind (besides Noah) was doomed to be wiped out.
6: YHVH assessing Noah
From assessing Mankind, YHVH moves to assess Noah:
“And Noah found face in YHVH eyes.”
How short and accurate that passage is! YHVH liked Noah!
This kind of emotional reaction we would never see with ELKM.
YHVH LIKED Noah because he was compassionate with Man and Animals.
He could care for the animals in his ark.
Now that the Torah has presented YHVH’s assessment, the Torah turns to ELKM.
As we see in the text, ELHM judges Noah first, then Mankind. The opposite of YHVH’s Wing.
ELHM picks up where YHVH has finished – NoH, then proceeds with judging Mankind.
Let’s see the judgment conducted by ELHM.
1: Noah the Righteous
“These are the generations of Noah, Noah was a complete righteous man
in his generations. With ELoHiM Noah walked.”
Unlike YHVH who assesses the heart, ELoKiM judges Noah and Mankind by their actions.
In ELoKiM’s eyes, Noah is deemed righteous, for “With ELoKiM Noah walked,”
meaning that Noah abided by Adam’s Six Commandments. No word here about Noah’s heart.
The term ‘righteous’ refers to one who has won a trial – even in human court (Maimonides.)
Noah was righteous since he walked with ELHM Laws.
Hence Noah ‘walked’ with ELoKiM Laws and ‘found face’ in YHVH eyes.
He abided YHVH ELoKiM Oneness.
After judging Noah, ELoKiM turned to judge his generation:
2: The Earth Corrupted – with IDOLATRY and ADULTERY
“And the Earth Corrupted before ELoKiM”
The term ‘corrupted’ refers to IDOLATRY and ADULTERY (Midrash)
We remember Enosh who instigsated the worshipping of YHVH alone,
And the Children of ELKM – Cain’s descendants – who worshipped ELKM alone
both camps breaching YHVH ELKM’s Oneness.
We also remember the Demon Naama, Noah’s sister in law, who was so corrupt sexually that she taught animals to cohabit with each other unnaturally. t
3-4-5: The Earth Filled by BLOODSHED and THEFT
ELoKIM’s judgement continues:
”And the Earth filled with hamas”
The term ‘hamas, says the Midrash, is both BLOODSHED and THEFT.
We recall Tubal Cain’s gangues who killed and robbed people on the streets and homes under the watching sun with no shame.
6: Having Transgressed All the Commandments
“And ELoKiM saw the Earth and behold, it was corrupt;
for all flesh corrupted its way on Earth.”
‘All flesh’ corrupted, even animals. The Demon Naama, as we’ve learned, led her generation to cohabit with animals , and even taught animal to cohabit unnaturally with different species.
Thus, in ELoKiM’s eyes, Mankind transgressed all possible LAWS. No word about their hearts.
The Commandments’ order
Note also that ELoKiM’s Wing counts Adam’s’ Six Commandments in the order we’ve been using in our classes: IDOLATRY, ADULTERY, BLOODSHED, THEFT, INJUSTICE and BLASPHEMY.
The Final Verdict of The ‘Self’
“And I, myself, shall bring the Flood on Earth
to destroy all flesh in which is breath of life from Under the Heavens
and everything that is on Earth shall die.”
YHVH spoke first, then ELoKiM, and finally the “I, Myself” which is “the ‘Arbiter’ or the ‘Supreme Self’ or The Essence” of G-d. While YHVH and ELKM are Attributes, the “”I Am” is the superior SELF.
Note that once the Essence has spoken, the verdict is final.
Noah and his role
Noah keeps the wings together
Noah is seen as if supported by the two Wings – of YHVH ELHM –
as if to be lifted over the mighty waters of the Flood.
The two Wings support Noah, but Noah also supports them – keeps them glued together.
Had Noah worshipped only one Wing, either YHVH or ELoKiM, he would have been fallen down into the water bellow.
Whoever practices YHVH ELHM’s Oneness. He/She supports the Wings, and the Wings supports him/her