הרב דר. צבי אבינר
For me, the world was created
We deal with various matters from the book of Genesis. This time we will discuss the well-known saying of the Sages from Tractate Sanhedrin, chapter 2, Mishnah 5
One must say that for me the world was created
Our Sages refer to the Story of the Creation of Adam in Chapter 1 of Genesis
Before analyzing the words of our sages, we must embed the chapter into the flow of the stories in the book of Genesis, which leads us from one Commandment to the next.
Chapter 1 in its entirety presents Noah’s first commandment, which is idolatry. We painted it gold. It presents idolatry in a depth not found anywhere else
Thus, the chapter introduces for the first time the names of Hashem – the virtues of ELKM and YHVH, the six days, the creation of Adam and the Sabbath.
And where is the allusion to idolatry in the chapter?
When ELKM plans the creation of man, He says in the plural: Let us become man in our image and likeness. Rashi says that the angels asked him in wonder:
Our King, why do you speak in the plural? Aren’t you afraid that this will lead idolaters to make the mistake of saying that you have partners, or family members such as father, brother or son?
ELKM answered: I take the risk and speak in the plural to teach Adam humility. Let the superior consult with the inferior
Since man was created by the King of Kings to be a small king on earth, he should be taught how to reign properly and successfully. And the best way is to reign humbly.
From this the angels learned that Adam will be created with a tendency to lack humility. With a big ego that pushes him to patronize and be exhaled by others.
And this is an important feature. Because otherwise what would push him to reign?
ELKM Himself planted this ‘egoism’ in man
How He did that?
Recall that when He said that Let Us Make Adam in Our Iimage and Likeness, He also spoke to everyone mentioned in chapter 1. Each and every one was invited to participate in the creation of Adam.
This is how He created man layer by layer, by consulting whoever is mentioned in the chapter. He Consulted the Six Days and made Adam. Hence, Adam is made of layers taken from the Six Days. Adam is the tip of the Evolution. The fetus goes through all the stages—all Six Days in its mother’s womb.
In this way, too, He Consulted the Wisdom of Ceation and planted it in our minds.
And He Consulted His Self and make our “self.”
Hence, man has a strong, important, divine self. (And not as those who deny the self)
All these consultations were important gifts to man from God, so that blood would be a little king on earth.
But God doesn’t give for free. For each gift, He demands something back from the person. So that the person will stand trial. For this is what God does — creates and judges. This was the case every day from creation, and at the end of the day He said that it was good, that is, He put what He created in judgment
What does God demand of man in exchange for the gifts He has given him?
The trial is a test of idolatry.
This is seen from the words of the angels, when he spoke in the plural, they understood that he opened the door for people to believe that he had partners
And any such partner will be a source of error of idolatry
Man will worship nature and what is in it instead of the Creator
Man will worship wisdom and touch instead of the Creator
Man will worship his ego instead of the Creator
It follows that according to chapter one, man is born straight into a test of idolatry. This is the judgment that God will place man in each and every year.
The judgment is either man will recognize the Creator, God, who is one
Either believes he has upper or lower partners
All this we remember when we come to understand the saying of our sages that each and every person must say that for me the world was created
What do our sages intend to say?
Every single person must say for me – first of all, they require every person to know the story of man’s creation, and indeed the world was created for me because He Consulted the Six Days and made Adam.
Our sages want each person to recognize the fact that ELKM Ecclesiastes has invested 13.8 billion years to bring us to Earth, creatures of free will.
This thought instills pride in man on the one hand,
But humility on the other hand — if one recognizes that one’s status is , a gift from the Creator.
Another interpretation
Since we have a strong ego and a natural tendency to think that everything was created for me, we might be mistaken in thinking that for me it means eating and drinking and indulging in pursuing pleasures.
To such a person the Torah says: Be happy
, young man, and enjoy whatever you love – but remember that ELKM will judge you for all of this (Ecclesiastes 11:17)
Another interpretation:
For me – and not for the state or any social system like communism or capitalism or fascism. The individual is the main thing.
Other Interpretation
It is necessary for each and every person to say that for me the world was created – the emphasis is on each and every person. ELKM planted a strong ego in us as a gift, so that we would compete and achieve things. There is creative competition, but not for a person to see himself as a superior race.
Man has a tendency to see himself above the other. On the one hand it is a push to create and compete and reign, on the other hand it can be inflated into arrogance and a sense of genuine superiority.
The Chinese taught themselves during Mao Tsentung that they were descendants of Homo Erectus and not Homo sapiens, and therefore superior in race—until genetic science came along and showed that it was all nonsense.
The Persians and Aryan peoples see themselves above the other races – above the Semitic Arabs, and above the Slavic peoples etc. The Nazi Germans considered themselves Aryans and therefore superior in race.
Against this, the Sages say: Why was man created alone? So that no one will say that my father is greater than your father.
Israel’s supremacy is only in mitzvot.
Anther Interpretation
Every single person should say that for me the world was created – the Midrash says: Imagine that you go up the Temple Mount surrounded by thousands of people of all races and colors in the world, all going up the Mount of YHVH as King Solomon said and as prophesied by the prophets of Israel.
And when you see yourself in the sea of people – you know that each and every one of them says to himself: For me, the world was created. Indeed, everyone is a one-time phenomenon in history. Even if a person is , it is only for the body and not for the personal history that makes up a person’s personality. Standing in the sea of people, composed on so many different individuals, you wonder about the greatness of the CREATORA who created just on Adam and yet we have so many different individuals – each saying the worlds has been created for me.
And you wonder, says the midrash, how great is the Creator who knows the wishes and the trials and tribulations of each one.
On such an occasion there is a special blessing – Blessed is the Wise Who Knows All Secrets. (From Moses’ words in Parashat Pinchas).
Here comes the saying of our sages: Each and every one should think that for him the world was created – all these multiple people were created to serve Me!
How? The Midrash says that Adam had to work hard for a piece of bread – to plow, hoe, sow, harvest, bake, etc., whereas we go to the store and buy everything ready. And it’s not just about the food and clothes and objects but also about faith. What would I do without Israel? Israel serves me. Just as the priests serve Israel, so Israel serves all the nations of the world.
Therefore I am grateful to them. I’m here on the Temple Mount because of them
Hillel says: If I am not for me, who am I?
And when I’m to myself – what am I?
Anther Interpretation
The world was created for me — for me to fix it.
Adam was created to raise the Six Days from good to very good
The world was created for Adam to bring it to the Shabbat
How do I fix it? – Even in a small thing
Man should see the world as half indebted and half entitled. My small contribution can tip the scales in ELKM’s eyes.
Anther Interpretation
How would know what to do?
The world was created for me – to lead me on the right path. Providence uses what happens in the world to give me an opportunity to make even a small impact. As in the story of Joseph. Every brother moves in his own circle, own interests, yet ELKM moves thing according to in His Will.
There is no casual case in life. Even if there is a casual case, ELKM will use it to give us a way, a path.
We will conclude with a Hasidic interpretation
Each person has two pockets , use on different occasions.
In one it is written for me that the world was created, and in the other pocket it is written the opposite-
“ And I am dust and ashes”(from Abraham).
There are situations that a person needs to tell himself – stand up, don’t despair, the world was created for you.
And there are opposite cases of a person who is bathed in pride and arrogance – he needs to draw from the other pocket – remember that you are dust and ashes.