The Best Government in the World
Rabbi Zvi Aviner
– What can we, as BN, say to the world
about the proper and best way of government,
Based on the Torah?
For this class
We’ll draw the ideas from material we’ve already learned in our Torah classes.
We’ll discuss the following topics:
1: ELKM- Dictatorship Vs Democracy
2: Nimrod and the Tower
3: Adam’s Fifth Comm
4: Who is the Sovereign?
5: What should be the Government structure
6: The Founding fathers
- Let’s remember Rev. Vandyl Jones
8: The USA Congress Declaration signed by Pres. Bush
Let’s start with the q: what is best,
Dictatorship or Democracy?
For that, let’s go to Genesis Ch.1.
Here we address another q:
What is the first message of the Torah to Mankind?
What did Moses select as a message for the very opening of the Torah?
The answer lies in the verse that says
At the Beg. ELKM created the H and the E.
Thus the world was created by the All – Mighty JUDGE to stand a judgment.
Indeed, on RH we celebrate the day as a day of Universal Judgment.
When all creatures, including Mankind, stand in judgment.
Now the q is : What kind of judgment we stand?
CH.1 tells us about it.
The Torah says that for Six long Days,
ELKM Created the world AWESOMELY ALONE,
As a Dictator, by giving orders.
Thus He said” Let it be,” and things happened.
Let there be grass, and grass was there.
Let the luminaries be seen in the sky, and they were.
And throughout the entire Six Days He consulted no one,
asked no one’s opinion or invited anyone
to share with him the work of creation.
Indeed, for Six Days He acted as a sole Dictator, a Tyrant,
And no one dared to reject His command.
Yet, working this way, he created the world very efficiently
and He was pleased.
At the End of each Day, He judged the passing Day
and He deemed it as Good.
Things that were deemed not good anymore,
ELKM terminated with no Mercy,
For the sake of efficiency. They were needed no more.
Like He did to the Dinosaurs. They were good for a while
Yet they had to be eliminated to give room for the next stage.
Had E continued to create as ever before,
He would have reached the end of our Sixth Day of CREATION
when He would have terminated not only the Sixth Day
but rather the entire endeavor, the whole Universe.
As He had done to numerous other Universes before.
This time He decided to offer our world a chance to endure,
0n condition that it would elevate itself to be not just good
But rather Very Good.
Since the world can’t do that on its own,
ELKM created Adam, to fulfill that task.
On one hand Adam would be the ruler of his world,
But on the other hand he would have to elevate himself
from a mere animalistic status of good,
To be Very Good in ELKM’s eyes.
What exactly should Adam do to be Very Good?
ELKM shows him that by Himself, and by giving him the Torah.
So, the first thing that ELKM did was to show Adam
The best way to rule his own world. Adam would emulate ELKM.
First, He stepped down
Secondly, He invited YHVH to the H Court.
First, He stepped down from His high pedestal as a Dictator
And instead of giving an order such as “Let there be an Adam,”
He spoke softly in plural, changed His tone, and said
Let Us make and Adam in Our form and Our Image.
In other words –
He relinquished His power as an Awesome Dictator
And spoke in plural as a KING WHO CONSULTS OTHERS,
A Democratic King who consults his own subjects.
He did that on purpose, to teach Adam how to rule in a Very Good way.
It is reflected in the story that Rashi brings.
When the Angels heard ELKM talking in plural
They asked him:
Our King, Aren’t afraid that you’ve opened the door
for idolaters to think that there are more than One CREATOR, you?
ELKM answered: I speak in plural risking IDOLATRY
In other worlds – to teach Adam how to be attentive to other people plights
And rule in a Democratic way.
Only this way can Adam become Very Good and enter the next Day.
And in a stroke of a pen , Moses has elevated here democracy
From a mere intelligent way of government to a RELIGIOUS DICTUM.
In other words –
Adam is born into a special trial – the trial of Kingship,
Either we chose to rule ourselves and our world by the upper hand,
as a dictator, and finally destroy himself,
Or chose to rule in a democratic way of consulting and listening.
That trial is so important in ELKM eyes, in Moses’s eyes,
That he opens the five Books of the Torah by presenting it.
How to elect a Democratic king?
The Torah gives us a guidance
A king you should place on yourself
from among his peer he should be elected…
The verse says “you should place on you a king “
that you – the people-the sovereign,
elect your king – your president.
Not that he would impose himself on you by the sword.
“you should place on yourself –“
Meaning: render him the authority to rule –
So that you would fear him.
And that you should elect him from among yourselves –
So that he should be able to listen to you and understand
Your innermost wishes and aspirations.
He can’t be an alien.
What else did ELKM to show Adam how to rule
In a Very Good Way?
Having stepped down from His Pedestal as a Sole Ruler
ELKM turned to another Attribute- the Merciful YHVH,
And invited Her to participate in RULING OUR WORLD.
Thus, Adam should do the same.
To rule in a Very Good way,
Adam would have to incorporate YHVH values in his kingship.
You see that, the Torah tells us the story of King Nimrod.
Nimrod started as an exceptionally successful democratic ruler.
He was a great orator, a hunter before YHVH,
Hunting people by his words.
At a young age his father Kush – Noah grandson –
Sent him to all the Seventy Noahide Nations
To study first hand their wishes and aspirations.
So, when time came, all the nations elected him
b/c each took him as its own.
Nimrod could read well the human heart
and when the new technology of building bricks arrived
he offered his people to build a Tower
where each could make a name for himself.
One could become a manager of a corridor
The other of en entire wing, so a whole system
of social hierarchy evolved within a perfect Democracy.
As the Tower grew taller, so did Nimrod status
So that he became a supreme dictator , a divine figure
Without lifting a sword.
This way the project evolved very efficient and successfully,
and Nimrod could have even enter Space,
had not the Merciful YHVH intervened in rage.
What prompted her rage was the fact
That the project became cruel, indifferent to the people plights.
When a worker fell from the 10th floor
they lamented not him but the lost brick.
As it is said
Hashem knew that building in ELKM’s ways can be very successful,
It can be good, but never Very Good, and therefore She
Destroyed Nimrod power of communication, his special talent as an orator
So that no one could understand him anymore and the people dispersed.
It is not about philanthropy and charity and
hospitals and taking care of the poor.
That part follows Abraham and his unconditional Love
To people and to Hashem.
Here we talk about building human endeavors
Efficiently in ELKM ways while incorporating YHVH ways.
yet w/o being cruel.
What is the best shape of the democratic government?
The TORAH discusses that too.
For that, Hashem gave us a special Comm, Adam’s Fifth,
It covers
our judiciary system
Our legislative system
our executive brunch.
Tells says judiciary system and justice – Jacob,
1 Build Courts in every district
2 Place in them qualified justices
3 Set us a loyal police force
Legislative brunch –
I Am – the Essence, Soveign, ,
YHVH ELKJM- the Attributes or mode of ruling,
Who…..The Kingship, what I do in the world.
Hence, to be Very Good,
The Kingship or the Government
should comprise of three levels –
A Sovereign – the people,
Legislative brunch – presented by the Attributes YHVH and ELKM,
who are mode of ruling – YHVH ELKM = two parties debating
meaning a congress with at least two opposing Attributed or parties
Then their decisions, legislation, is channeled down to Kingship. The white House.
The function of the President or the King is
To translate the legislation into actions in the real world,
Vendyl Jones shows us how the Founding Fathers
Took their inspiration from the Bible
Believing in the Seven Comm of Noah.
Then the USA congress passed a resolution
signed Pres. Bush Senior, recognizing the fact
that the moral fabric of our great nation is based
on the Seven Laws of Noah.
The Best Government in the World
Rabbi Zvi Aviner
– What can we, as BN, say to the world
about the proper and best way of government,
Based on the Torah?
For this class
We’ll draw the ideas from material we’ve already learned in our Torah classes.
We’ll discuss the following topics:
1: ELKM- Dictatorship Vs Democracy
2: Nimrod and the Tower
3: Adam’s Fifth Comm
4: Who is the Sovereign?
5: What should be the Government structure
6: The Founding fathers
- Let’s remember Rev. Vandyl Jones
8: The USA Congress Declaration signed by Pres. Bush
Let’s start with the q: what is best,
Dictatorship or Democracy?
For that, let’s go to Genesis Ch.1.
Here we address another q:
What is the first message of the Torah to Mankind?
What did Moses select as a message for the very opening of the Torah?
The answer lies in the verse that says
At the Beg. ELKM created the H and the E.
Thus the world was created by the All – Mighty JUDGE to stand a judgment.
Indeed, on RH we celebrate the day as a day of Universal Judgment.
When all creatures, including Mankind, stand in judgment.
Now the q is : What kind of judgment we stand?
CH.1 tells us about it.
The Torah says that for Six long Days,
ELKM Created the world AWESOMELY ALONE,
As a Dictator, by giving orders.
Thus He said” Let it be,” and things happened.
Let there be grass, and grass was there.
Let the luminaries be seen in the sky, and they were.
And throughout the entire Six Days He consulted no one,
asked no one’s opinion or invited anyone
to share with him the work of creation.
Indeed, for Six Days He acted as a sole Dictator, a Tyrant,
And no one dared to reject His command.
Yet, working this way, he created the world very efficiently
and He was pleased.
At the End of each Day, He judged the passing Day
and He deemed it as Good.
Things that were deemed not good anymore,
ELKM terminated with no Mercy,
For the sake of efficiency. They were needed no more.
Like He did to the Dinosaurs. They were good for a while
Yet they had to be eliminated to give room for the next stage.
Had E continued to create as ever before,
He would have reached the end of our Sixth Day of CREATION
when He would have terminated not only the Sixth Day
but rather the entire endeavor, the whole Universe.
As He had done to numerous other Universes before.
This time He decided to offer our world a chance to endure,
0n condition that it would elevate itself to be not just good
But rather Very Good.
Since the world can’t do that on its own,
ELKM created Adam, to fulfill that task.
On one hand Adam would be the ruler of his world,
But on the other hand he would have to elevate himself
from a mere animalistic status of good,
To be Very Good in ELKM’s eyes.
What exactly should Adam do to be Very Good?
ELKM shows him that by Himself, and by giving him the Torah.
So, the first thing that ELKM did was to show Adam
The best way to rule his own world. Adam would emulate ELKM.
First, He stepped down
Secondly, He invited YHVH to the H Court.
First, He stepped down from His high pedestal as a Dictator
And instead of giving an order such as “Let there be an Adam,”
He spoke softly in plural, changed His tone, and said
Let Us make and Adam in Our form and Our Image.
In other words –
He relinquished His power as an Awesome Dictator
And spoke in plural as a KING WHO CONSULTS OTHERS,
A Democratic King who consults his own subjects.
He did that on purpose, to teach Adam how to rule in a Very Good way.
It is reflected in the story that Rashi brings.
When the Angels heard ELKM talking in plural
They asked him:
Our King, Aren’t afraid that you’ve opened the door
for idolaters to think that there are more than One CREATOR, you?
ELKM answered: I speak in plural risking IDOLATRY
In other worlds – to teach Adam how to be attentive to other people plights
And rule in a Democratic way.
Only this way can Adam become Very Good and enter the next Day.
And in a stroke of a pen , Moses has elevated here democracy
From a mere intelligent way of government to a RELIGIOUS DICTUM.
In other words –
Adam is born into a special trial – the trial of Kingship,
Either we chose to rule ourselves and our world by the upper hand,
as a dictator, and finally destroy himself,
Or chose to rule in a democratic way of consulting and listening.
That trial is so important in ELKM eyes, in Moses’s eyes,
That he opens the five Books of the Torah by presenting it.
How to elect a Democratic king?
The Torah gives us a guidance
A king you should place on yourself
from among his peer he should be elected…
The verse says “you should place on you a king “
that you – the people-the sovereign,
elect your king – your president.
Not that he would impose himself on you by the sword.
“you should place on yourself –“
Meaning: render him the authority to rule –
So that you would fear him.
And that you should elect him from among yourselves –
So that he should be able to listen to you and understand
Your innermost wishes and aspirations.
He can’t be an alien.
What else did ELKM to show Adam how to rule
In a Very Good Way?
Having stepped down from His Pedestal as a Sole Ruler
ELKM turned to another Attribute- the Merciful YHVH,
And invited Her to participate in RULING OUR WORLD.
Thus, Adam should do the same.
To rule in a Very Good way,
Adam would have to incorporate YHVH values in his kingship.
You see that, the Torah tells us the story of King Nimrod.
Nimrod started as an exceptionally successful democratic ruler.
He was a great orator, a hunter before YHVH,
Hunting people by his words.
At a young age his father Kush – Noah grandson –
Sent him to all the Seventy Noahide Nations
To study first hand their wishes and aspirations.
So, when time came, all the nations elected him
b/c each took him as its own.
Nimrod could read well the human heart
and when the new technology of building bricks arrived
he offered his people to build a Tower
where each could make a name for himself.
One could become a manager of a corridor
The other of en entire wing, so a whole system
of social hierarchy evolved within a perfect Democracy.
As the Tower grew taller, so did Nimrod status
So that he became a supreme dictator , a divine figure
Without lifting a sword.
This way the project evolved very efficient and successfully,
and Nimrod could have even enter Space,
had not the Merciful YHVH intervened in rage.
What prompted her rage was the fact
That the project became cruel, indifferent to the people plights.
When a worker fell from the 10th floor
they lamented not him but the lost brick.
As it is said
Hashem knew that building in ELKM’s ways can be very successful,
It can be good, but never Very Good, and therefore She
Destroyed Nimrod power of communication, his special talent as an orator
So that no one could understand him anymore and the people dispersed.
It is not about philanthropy and charity and
hospitals and taking care of the poor.
That part follows Abraham and his unconditional Love
To people and to Hashem.
Here we talk about building human endeavors
Efficiently in ELKM ways while incorporating YHVH ways.
yet w/o being cruel.
What is the best shape of the democratic government?
The TORAH discusses that too.
For that, Hashem gave us a special Comm, Adam’s Fifth,
It covers
our judiciary system
Our legislative system
our executive brunch.
Tells says judiciary system and justice – Jacob,
1 Build Courts in every district
2 Place in them qualified justices
3 Set us a loyal police force
Legislative brunch –
I Am – the Essence, Soveign, ,
YHVH ELKJM- the Attributes or mode of ruling,
Who…..The Kingship, what I do in the world.
Hence, to be Very Good,
The Kingship or the Government
should comprise of three levels –
A Sovereign – the people,
Legislative brunch – presented by the Attributes YHVH and ELKM,
who are mode of ruling – YHVH ELKM = two parties debating
meaning a congress with at least two opposing Attributed or parties
Then their decisions, legislation, is channeled down to Kingship. The white House.
The function of the President or the King is
To translate the legislation into actions in the real world,
Vendyl Jones shows us how the Founding Fathers
Took their inspiration from the Bible
Believing in the Seven Comm of Noah.
Then the USA congress passed a resolution
signed Pres. Bush Senior, recognizing the fact
that the moral fabric of our great nation is based
on the Seven Laws of Noah.
The Best Government in the World
Rabbi Zvi Aviner
– What can we, as BN, say to the world
about the proper and best way of government,
Based on the Torah?
For this class
We’ll draw the ideas from material we’ve already learned in our Torah classes.
We’ll discuss the following topics:
1: ELKM- Dictatorship Vs Democracy
2: Nimrod and the Tower
3: Adam’s Fifth Comm
4: Who is the Sovereign?
5: What should be the Government structure
6: The Founding fathers
- Let’s remember Rev. Vandyl Jones
8: The USA Congress Declaration signed by Pres. Bush
Let’s start with the q: what is best,
Dictatorship or Democracy?
For that, let’s go to Genesis Ch.1.
Here we address another q:
What is the first message of the Torah to Mankind?
What did Moses select as a message for the very opening of the Torah?
The answer lies in the verse that says
At the Beg. ELKM created the H and the E.
Thus the world was created by the All – Mighty JUDGE to stand a judgment.
Indeed, on RH we celebrate the day as a day of Universal Judgment.
When all creatures, including Mankind, stand in judgment.
Now the q is : What kind of judgment we stand?
CH.1 tells us about it.
The Torah says that for Six long Days,
ELKM Created the world AWESOMELY ALONE,
As a Dictator, by giving orders.
Thus He said” Let it be,” and things happened.
Let there be grass, and grass was there.
Let the luminaries be seen in the sky, and they were.
And throughout the entire Six Days He consulted no one,
asked no one’s opinion or invited anyone
to share with him the work of creation.
Indeed, for Six Days He acted as a sole Dictator, a Tyrant,
And no one dared to reject His command.
Yet, working this way, he created the world very efficiently
and He was pleased.
At the End of each Day, He judged the passing Day
and He deemed it as Good.
Things that were deemed not good anymore,
ELKM terminated with no Mercy,
For the sake of efficiency. They were needed no more.
Like He did to the Dinosaurs. They were good for a while
Yet they had to be eliminated to give room for the next stage.
Had E continued to create as ever before,
He would have reached the end of our Sixth Day of CREATION
when He would have terminated not only the Sixth Day
but rather the entire endeavor, the whole Universe.
As He had done to numerous other Universes before.
This time He decided to offer our world a chance to endure,
0n condition that it would elevate itself to be not just good
But rather Very Good.
Since the world can’t do that on its own,
ELKM created Adam, to fulfill that task.
On one hand Adam would be the ruler of his world,
But on the other hand he would have to elevate himself
from a mere animalistic status of good,
To be Very Good in ELKM’s eyes.
What exactly should Adam do to be Very Good?
ELKM shows him that by Himself, and by giving him the Torah.
So, the first thing that ELKM did was to show Adam
The best way to rule his own world. Adam would emulate ELKM.
First, He stepped down
Secondly, He invited YHVH to the H Court.
First, He stepped down from His high pedestal as a Dictator
And instead of giving an order such as “Let there be an Adam,”
He spoke softly in plural, changed His tone, and said
Let Us make and Adam in Our form and Our Image.
In other words –
He relinquished His power as an Awesome Dictator
And spoke in plural as a KING WHO CONSULTS OTHERS,
A Democratic King who consults his own subjects.
He did that on purpose, to teach Adam how to rule in a Very Good way.
It is reflected in the story that Rashi brings.
When the Angels heard ELKM talking in plural
They asked him:
Our King, Aren’t afraid that you’ve opened the door
for idolaters to think that there are more than One CREATOR, you?
ELKM answered: I speak in plural risking IDOLATRY
In other worlds – to teach Adam how to be attentive to other people plights
And rule in a Democratic way.
Only this way can Adam become Very Good and enter the next Day.
And in a stroke of a pen , Moses has elevated here democracy
From a mere intelligent way of government to a RELIGIOUS DICTUM.
In other words –
Adam is born into a special trial – the trial of Kingship,
Either we chose to rule ourselves and our world by the upper hand,
as a dictator, and finally destroy himself,
Or chose to rule in a democratic way of consulting and listening.
That trial is so important in ELKM eyes, in Moses’s eyes,
That he opens the five Books of the Torah by presenting it.
How to elect a Democratic king?
The Torah gives us a guidance
A king you should place on yourself
from among his peer he should be elected…
The verse says “you should place on you a king “
that you – the people-the sovereign,
elect your king – your president.
Not that he would impose himself on you by the sword.
“you should place on yourself –“
Meaning: render him the authority to rule –
So that you would fear him.
And that you should elect him from among yourselves –
So that he should be able to listen to you and understand
Your innermost wishes and aspirations.
He can’t be an alien.
What else did ELKM to show Adam how to rule
In a Very Good Way?
Having stepped down from His Pedestal as a Sole Ruler
ELKM turned to another Attribute- the Merciful YHVH,
And invited Her to participate in RULING OUR WORLD.
Thus, Adam should do the same.
To rule in a Very Good way,
Adam would have to incorporate YHVH values in his kingship.
You see that, the Torah tells us the story of King Nimrod.
Nimrod started as an exceptionally successful democratic ruler.
He was a great orator, a hunter before YHVH,
Hunting people by his words.
At a young age his father Kush – Noah grandson –
Sent him to all the Seventy Noahide Nations
To study first hand their wishes and aspirations.
So, when time came, all the nations elected him
b/c each took him as its own.
Nimrod could read well the human heart
and when the new technology of building bricks arrived
he offered his people to build a Tower
where each could make a name for himself.
One could become a manager of a corridor
The other of en entire wing, so a whole system
of social hierarchy evolved within a perfect Democracy.
As the Tower grew taller, so did Nimrod status
So that he became a supreme dictator , a divine figure
Without lifting a sword.
This way the project evolved very efficient and successfully,
and Nimrod could have even enter Space,
had not the Merciful YHVH intervened in rage.
What prompted her rage was the fact
That the project became cruel, indifferent to the people plights.
When a worker fell from the 10th floor
they lamented not him but the lost brick.
As it is said
Hashem knew that building in ELKM’s ways can be very successful,
It can be good, but never Very Good, and therefore She
Destroyed Nimrod power of communication, his special talent as an orator
So that no one could understand him anymore and the people dispersed.
It is not about philanthropy and charity and
hospitals and taking care of the poor.
That part follows Abraham and his unconditional Love
To people and to Hashem.
Here we talk about building human endeavors
Efficiently in ELKM ways while incorporating YHVH ways.
yet w/o being cruel.
What is the best shape of the democratic government?
The TORAH discusses that too.
For that, Hashem gave us a special Comm, Adam’s Fifth,
It covers
our judiciary system
Our legislative system
our executive brunch.
Tells says judiciary system and justice – Jacob,
1 Build Courts in every district
2 Place in them qualified justices
3 Set us a loyal police force
Legislative brunch –
I Am – the Essence, Soveign, ,
YHVH ELKJM- the Attributes or mode of ruling,
Who…..The Kingship, what I do in the world.
Hence, to be Very Good,
The Kingship or the Government
should comprise of three levels –
A Sovereign – the people,
Legislative brunch – presented by the Attributes YHVH and ELKM,
who are mode of ruling – YHVH ELKM = two parties debating
meaning a congress with at least two opposing Attributed or parties
Then their decisions, legislation, is channeled down to Kingship. The white House.
The function of the President or the King is
To translate the legislation into actions in the real world,
Vendyl Jones shows us how the Founding Fathers
Took their inspiration from the Bible
Believing in the Seven Comm of Noah.
Then the USA congress passed a resolution
signed Pres. Bush Senior, recognizing the fact
that the moral fabric of our great nation is based
on the Seven Laws of Noah.
The Best Government in the World
Rabbi Zvi Aviner
– What can we, as BN, say to the world
about the proper and best way of government,
Based on the Torah?
For this class
We’ll draw the ideas from material we’ve already learned in our Torah classes.
We’ll discuss the following topics:
1: ELKM- Dictatorship Vs Democracy
2: Nimrod and the Tower
3: Adam’s Fifth Comm
4: Who is the Sovereign?
5: What should be the Government structure
6: The Founding fathers
- Let’s remember Rev. Vandyl Jones
8: The USA Congress Declaration signed by Pres. Bush
Let’s start with the q: what is best,
Dictatorship or Democracy?
For that, let’s go to Genesis Ch.1.
Here we address another q:
What is the first message of the Torah to Mankind?
What did Moses select as a message for the very opening of the Torah?
The answer lies in the verse that says
At the Beg. ELKM created the H and the E.
Thus the world was created by the All – Mighty JUDGE to stand a judgment.
Indeed, on RH we celebrate the day as a day of Universal Judgment.
When all creatures, including Mankind, stand in judgment.
Now the q is : What kind of judgment we stand?
CH.1 tells us about it.
The Torah says that for Six long Days,
ELKM Created the world AWESOMELY ALONE,
As a Dictator, by giving orders.
Thus He said” Let it be,” and things happened.
Let there be grass, and grass was there.
Let the luminaries be seen in the sky, and they were.
And throughout the entire Six Days He consulted no one,
asked no one’s opinion or invited anyone
to share with him the work of creation.
Indeed, for Six Days He acted as a sole Dictator, a Tyrant,
And no one dared to reject His command.
Yet, working this way, he created the world very efficiently
and He was pleased.
At the End of each Day, He judged the passing Day
and He deemed it as Good.
Things that were deemed not good anymore,
ELKM terminated with no Mercy,
For the sake of efficiency. They were needed no more.
Like He did to the Dinosaurs. They were good for a while
Yet they had to be eliminated to give room for the next stage.
Had E continued to create as ever before,
He would have reached the end of our Sixth Day of CREATION
when He would have terminated not only the Sixth Day
but rather the entire endeavor, the whole Universe.
As He had done to numerous other Universes before.
This time He decided to offer our world a chance to endure,
0n condition that it would elevate itself to be not just good
But rather Very Good.
Since the world can’t do that on its own,
ELKM created Adam, to fulfill that task.
On one hand Adam would be the ruler of his world,
But on the other hand he would have to elevate himself
from a mere animalistic status of good,
To be Very Good in ELKM’s eyes.
What exactly should Adam do to be Very Good?
ELKM shows him that by Himself, and by giving him the Torah.
So, the first thing that ELKM did was to show Adam
The best way to rule his own world. Adam would emulate ELKM.
First, He stepped down
Secondly, He invited YHVH to the H Court.
First, He stepped down from His high pedestal as a Dictator
And instead of giving an order such as “Let there be an Adam,”
He spoke softly in plural, changed His tone, and said
Let Us make and Adam in Our form and Our Image.
In other words –
He relinquished His power as an Awesome Dictator
And spoke in plural as a KING WHO CONSULTS OTHERS,
A Democratic King who consults his own subjects.
He did that on purpose, to teach Adam how to rule in a Very Good way.
It is reflected in the story that Rashi brings.
When the Angels heard ELKM talking in plural
They asked him:
Our King, Aren’t afraid that you’ve opened the door
for idolaters to think that there are more than One CREATOR, you?
ELKM answered: I speak in plural risking IDOLATRY
In other worlds – to teach Adam how to be attentive to other people plights
And rule in a Democratic way.
Only this way can Adam become Very Good and enter the next Day.
And in a stroke of a pen , Moses has elevated here democracy
From a mere intelligent way of government to a RELIGIOUS DICTUM.
In other words –
Adam is born into a special trial – the trial of Kingship,
Either we chose to rule ourselves and our world by the upper hand,
as a dictator, and finally destroy himself,
Or chose to rule in a democratic way of consulting and listening.
That trial is so important in ELKM eyes, in Moses’s eyes,
That he opens the five Books of the Torah by presenting it.
How to elect a Democratic king?
The Torah gives us a guidance
A king you should place on yourself
from among his peer he should be elected…
The verse says “you should place on you a king “
that you – the people-the sovereign,
elect your king – your president.
Not that he would impose himself on you by the sword.
“you should place on yourself –“
Meaning: render him the authority to rule –
So that you would fear him.
And that you should elect him from among yourselves –
So that he should be able to listen to you and understand
Your innermost wishes and aspirations.
He can’t be an alien.
What else did ELKM to show Adam how to rule
In a Very Good Way?
Having stepped down from His Pedestal as a Sole Ruler
ELKM turned to another Attribute- the Merciful YHVH,
And invited Her to participate in RULING OUR WORLD.
Thus, Adam should do the same.
To rule in a Very Good way,
Adam would have to incorporate YHVH values in his kingship.
You see that, the Torah tells us the story of King Nimrod.
Nimrod started as an exceptionally successful democratic ruler.
He was a great orator, a hunter before YHVH,
Hunting people by his words.
At a young age his father Kush – Noah grandson –
Sent him to all the Seventy Noahide Nations
To study first hand their wishes and aspirations.
So, when time came, all the nations elected him
b/c each took him as its own.
Nimrod could read well the human heart
and when the new technology of building bricks arrived
he offered his people to build a Tower
where each could make a name for himself.
One could become a manager of a corridor
The other of en entire wing, so a whole system
of social hierarchy evolved within a perfect Democracy.
As the Tower grew taller, so did Nimrod status
So that he became a supreme dictator , a divine figure
Without lifting a sword.
This way the project evolved very efficient and successfully,
and Nimrod could have even enter Space,
had not the Merciful YHVH intervened in rage.
What prompted her rage was the fact
That the project became cruel, indifferent to the people plights.
When a worker fell from the 10th floor
they lamented not him but the lost brick.
As it is said
Hashem knew that building in ELKM’s ways can be very successful,
It can be good, but never Very Good, and therefore She
Destroyed Nimrod power of communication, his special talent as an orator
So that no one could understand him anymore and the people dispersed.
It is not about philanthropy and charity and
hospitals and taking care of the poor.
That part follows Abraham and his unconditional Love
To people and to Hashem.
Here we talk about building human endeavors
Efficiently in ELKM ways while incorporating YHVH ways.
yet w/o being cruel.
What is the best shape of the democratic government?
The TORAH discusses that too.
For that, Hashem gave us a special Comm, Adam’s Fifth,
It covers
our judiciary system
Our legislative system
our executive brunch.
Tells says judiciary system and justice – Jacob,
1 Build Courts in every district
2 Place in them qualified justices
3 Set us a loyal police force
Legislative brunch –
I Am – the Essence, Soveign, ,
YHVH ELKJM- the Attributes or mode of ruling,
Who…..The Kingship, what I do in the world.
Hence, to be Very Good,
The Kingship or the Government
should comprise of three levels –
A Sovereign – the people,
Legislative brunch – presented by the Attributes YHVH and ELKM,
who are mode of ruling – YHVH ELKM = two parties debating
meaning a congress with at least two opposing Attributed or parties
Then their decisions, legislation, is channeled down to Kingship. The white House.
The function of the President or the King is
To translate the legislation into actions in the real world,
Vendyl Jones shows us how the Founding Fathers
Took their inspiration from the Bible
Believing in the Seven Comm of Noah.
Then the USA congress passed a resolution
signed Pres. Bush Senior, recognizing the fact
that the moral fabric of our great nation is based
on the Seven Laws of Noah.
The Best Government in the World
Rabbi Zvi Aviner
– What can we, as BN, say to the world
about the proper and best way of government,
Based on the Torah?
For this class
We’ll draw the ideas from material we’ve already learned in our Torah classes.
We’ll discuss the following topics:
1: ELKM- Dictatorship Vs Democracy
2: Nimrod and the Tower
3: Adam’s Fifth Comm
4: Who is the Sovereign?
5: What should be the Government structure
6: The Founding fathers
- Let’s remember Rev. Vandyl Jones
8: The USA Congress Declaration signed by Pres. Bush
Let’s start with the q: what is best,
Dictatorship or Democracy?
For that, let’s go to Genesis Ch.1.
Here we address another q:
What is the first message of the Torah to Mankind?
What did Moses select as a message for the very opening of the Torah?
The answer lies in the verse that says
At the Beg. ELKM created the H and the E.
Thus the world was created by the All – Mighty JUDGE to stand a judgment.
Indeed, on RH we celebrate the day as a day of Universal Judgment.
When all creatures, including Mankind, stand in judgment.
Now the q is : What kind of judgment we stand?
CH.1 tells us about it.
The Torah says that for Six long Days,
ELKM Created the world AWESOMELY ALONE,
As a Dictator, by giving orders.
Thus He said” Let it be,” and things happened.
Let there be grass, and grass was there.
Let the luminaries be seen in the sky, and they were.
And throughout the entire Six Days He consulted no one,
asked no one’s opinion or invited anyone
to share with him the work of creation.
Indeed, for Six Days He acted as a sole Dictator, a Tyrant,
And no one dared to reject His command.
Yet, working this way, he created the world very efficiently
and He was pleased.
At the End of each Day, He judged the passing Day
and He deemed it as Good.
Things that were deemed not good anymore,
ELKM terminated with no Mercy,
For the sake of efficiency. They were needed no more.
Like He did to the Dinosaurs. They were good for a while
Yet they had to be eliminated to give room for the next stage.
Had E continued to create as ever before,
He would have reached the end of our Sixth Day of CREATION
when He would have terminated not only the Sixth Day
but rather the entire endeavor, the whole Universe.
As He had done to numerous other Universes before.
This time He decided to offer our world a chance to endure,
0n condition that it would elevate itself to be not just good
But rather Very Good.
Since the world can’t do that on its own,
ELKM created Adam, to fulfill that task.
On one hand Adam would be the ruler of his world,
But on the other hand he would have to elevate himself
from a mere animalistic status of good,
To be Very Good in ELKM’s eyes.
What exactly should Adam do to be Very Good?
ELKM shows him that by Himself, and by giving him the Torah.
So, the first thing that ELKM did was to show Adam
The best way to rule his own world. Adam would emulate ELKM.
First, He stepped down
Secondly, He invited YHVH to the H Court.
First, He stepped down from His high pedestal as a Dictator
And instead of giving an order such as “Let there be an Adam,”
He spoke softly in plural, changed His tone, and said
Let Us make and Adam in Our form and Our Image.
In other words –
He relinquished His power as an Awesome Dictator
And spoke in plural as a KING WHO CONSULTS OTHERS,
A Democratic King who consults his own subjects.
He did that on purpose, to teach Adam how to rule in a Very Good way.
It is reflected in the story that Rashi brings.
When the Angels heard ELKM talking in plural
They asked him:
Our King, Aren’t afraid that you’ve opened the door
for idolaters to think that there are more than One CREATOR, you?
ELKM answered: I speak in plural risking IDOLATRY
In other worlds – to teach Adam how to be attentive to other people plights
And rule in a Democratic way.
Only this way can Adam become Very Good and enter the next Day.
And in a stroke of a pen , Moses has elevated here democracy
From a mere intelligent way of government to a RELIGIOUS DICTUM.
In other words –
Adam is born into a special trial – the trial of Kingship,
Either we chose to rule ourselves and our world by the upper hand,
as a dictator, and finally destroy himself,
Or chose to rule in a democratic way of consulting and listening.
That trial is so important in ELKM eyes, in Moses’s eyes,
That he opens the five Books of the Torah by presenting it.
How to elect a Democratic king?
The Torah gives us a guidance
A king you should place on yourself
from among his peer he should be elected…
The verse says “you should place on you a king “
that you – the people-the sovereign,
elect your king – your president.
Not that he would impose himself on you by the sword.
“you should place on yourself –“
Meaning: render him the authority to rule –
So that you would fear him.
And that you should elect him from among yourselves –
So that he should be able to listen to you and understand
Your innermost wishes and aspirations.
He can’t be an alien.
What else did ELKM to show Adam how to rule
In a Very Good Way?
Having stepped down from His Pedestal as a Sole Ruler
ELKM turned to another Attribute- the Merciful YHVH,
And invited Her to participate in RULING OUR WORLD.
Thus, Adam should do the same.
To rule in a Very Good way,
Adam would have to incorporate YHVH values in his kingship.
You see that, the Torah tells us the story of King Nimrod.
Nimrod started as an exceptionally successful democratic ruler.
He was a great orator, a hunter before YHVH,
Hunting people by his words.
At a young age his father Kush – Noah grandson –
Sent him to all the Seventy Noahide Nations
To study first hand their wishes and aspirations.
So, when time came, all the nations elected him
b/c each took him as its own.
Nimrod could read well the human heart
and when the new technology of building bricks arrived
he offered his people to build a Tower
where each could make a name for himself.
One could become a manager of a corridor
The other of en entire wing, so a whole system
of social hierarchy evolved within a perfect Democracy.
As the Tower grew taller, so did Nimrod status
So that he became a supreme dictator , a divine figure
Without lifting a sword.
This way the project evolved very efficient and successfully,
and Nimrod could have even enter Space,
had not the Merciful YHVH intervened in rage.
What prompted her rage was the fact
That the project became cruel, indifferent to the people plights.
When a worker fell from the 10th floor
they lamented not him but the lost brick.
As it is said
Hashem knew that building in ELKM’s ways can be very successful,
It can be good, but never Very Good, and therefore She
Destroyed Nimrod power of communication, his special talent as an orator
So that no one could understand him anymore and the people dispersed.
It is not about philanthropy and charity and
hospitals and taking care of the poor.
That part follows Abraham and his unconditional Love
To people and to Hashem.
Here we talk about building human endeavors
Efficiently in ELKM ways while incorporating YHVH ways.
yet w/o being cruel.
What is the best shape of the democratic government?
The TORAH discusses that too.
For that, Hashem gave us a special Comm, Adam’s Fifth,
It covers
our judiciary system
Our legislative system
our executive brunch.
Tells says judiciary system and justice – Jacob,
1 Build Courts in every district
2 Place in them qualified justices
3 Set us a loyal police force
Legislative brunch –
I Am – the Essence, Soveign, ,
YHVH ELKJM- the Attributes or mode of ruling,
Who…..The Kingship, what I do in the world.
Hence, to be Very Good,
The Kingship or the Government
should comprise of three levels –
A Sovereign – the people,
Legislative brunch – presented by the Attributes YHVH and ELKM,
who are mode of ruling – YHVH ELKM = two parties debating
meaning a congress with at least two opposing Attributed or parties
Then their decisions, legislation, is channeled down to Kingship. The white House.
The function of the President or the King is
To translate the legislation into actions in the real world,
Vendyl Jones shows us how the Founding Fathers
Took their inspiration from the Bible
Believing in the Seven Comm of Noah.
Then the USA congress passed a resolution
signed Pres. Bush Senior, recognizing the fact
that the moral fabric of our great nation is based
on the Seven Laws of Noah.