Rabbi Dr Zvi Aviner

Nov 2021




IDOLATRY-9/ Making Adam by Consultations





Today we’ll focus on the creation of Adam

according to the miraculous Chapter One of Genesis


Adam was created, Moses says, as the last creature

In the long series of creatures made during the Six Days


We’ve already seen that the story of the Six Days as told by Moses

is supported by our science, something unexpected

from a text written 3500 years ago.


So first he establishes his credibility,

And then he adds his moral message about CREATION


Telling us that there is a CREATOR,

Whose Name is the JUDGE ELHM,

Who created the Six Day while sitting on

the Throne of Absolute Justice with no Mercy,

that He ruled the Earth during the Six Days by iron fist,

acting by measure for measure,

consulting no one, ruling awesomely alone


In fact, presenting a moral message

without establishing credibility first,

would lead to rejection: people would say

that the message is just an imaginary story


But if you establish credibility first,

When we stand in awe regarding

Moses’ exact count of the history of Earth,

Then there is a chance that we would be impressed

And accept also Moses’ moral message



Now as we move in Genesis to the story of creating Adam

Moses follows the same logic:

he first tells us a story about Adam that is fully supported by science,

something unexpected from a text written 3500 years ago


And then, having established his credibility in our eyes

he also adds his moral message about Adam: like

Who created us, How, and for What purpose


So, what does Moses tell about creating Adam?


But first, to appreciate what he is saying,

let’s see what other people in his time

told about the creation of Man.



We know in details what people told about Man, in Moses’ time

You can read about it in the internet or in fascinating books

Like Karen Armstrong’s book about the History of God


In short –


The Egyptians, among whom Moses grew up, said

that the first Man was born from the eye of the Sun-god Ra.

Ra, who ruled the Earth after a bloody struggle with other gods,

used to send out one of his eyes to execute various missions.

Once, the eye refused to return, so Ra sent out his two sons to fetch it.

The eye cried so much, that from its tears Man was born – the first Pharaoh


Now, we can imagine how much passion and awe

the story incited in the hearts of the ancient Egyptians.

They paraded in the streets for its glory, chanting hymns and praising their god.

We can imagine how the Egyptian philosophers saw deep meaning to the story.



But one thing we are also sure –

the story has nothing to do with science,

nor does it tell us anything about how we are made.

The story is a mere myth.



The Babylonians in Moses time also told a mythical story about the first Man.

Man was created by a Warrior-god named Marduk.

It is said that Marduk is born at sunrise, and die at sunset.

Once in a while Marduk disintegrates completely then resuscitates itself

Once upon a time, Marduk disintegrated, and from its remains Man was made.


Again, we may sympathize with the story, clap our hands to it,

but it has nothing to do with science,

nor does it contribute to our understanding

how our bodies are built and what for.




The Greek living in Moses’ time also told similar myths.


Man was created by a Titan-god named Prometheus

Having lost the war between the Titans and the Olympians gods,

Prometheus was released and then created the first Man.

But Zeus did not approve it, and took away the fire from Man.

Prometheus then brought  Man a torch with fire taken from the sun

Thereby saving Man’s life.


This story has prompted the Olympic games and the famous torch,

Yet it does not have any relation to science

Nor does it tell anything about how Man is built and what for.




Now, let’s see what Moses tell about the creation of Adam




Man creation according to Moses




Moses says, that in the middle of the Sixth Day, our Day,

ELHM paused and conducted a crucial judgment.

The Earth stood on a crossroad.  Would it progress to the Sabbath, or not?


ELHM decided to let CREATION proceed forwards

And He declared that “it was good.”

He cleared out the creatures which were not good anymore

Since they would not be able to live by Adam’s side

And He announced His Plan to make Adam

in a special way, never done before.


Instead of commanding: ” Let there be Adam!”

He said Sa in plural “Let Us Make Adam in Our Form and Our Image”



Amazingly, here G-d, as a BUILDER, sounds like a CEO of a company,

who assembles his board, or councilors, to discuss a new project: a humanoid.



In a modern company,

the CEO would first set up the purpose of making the robot,

the parameters for the robot’s actions,

how much Free Choice it would have,

how smart it would be, what should it do, and what should it not d



Then the CEO would ask each councilor in the room

to contribute his skills to the project.


One councilor would provide the best materials,

the other his scientific skills,

the other his artistic talent,

to make the robot smart, efficient and beautiful.



Moses describes the creation of Adam in a similar fashion.

Thus, when ELHM spoke in plural, He assembled His Councilors

and to each one He  said:

“Let Us make Adam in our Form and Our Image”

This way, each councilor would contribut a dimension,

a layer in Adam’s body and soul





Who are ELHM’s councilors?


The Midrash says:  He consulted with

whoever was listening, or

whoever was in the “room”, or

whoever is mentioned in Chapter One.



Starting the consultation on the Sixth Day

ELHM consulted the councilors mentioned

 earlier or after

in the chapter




ELHM consulted YHVH and made Adam





We’ve already discussed

the first consultation with the Attribute of MERCY, YHVH,

whose Name appears in the text as an Acronym,

at the very end of the Chapter, at the junction

between the Sixth Day and the Sabbath.

ELHM “looked ahead” in the Chapter and said to YHVH:

“Let Us Make and Adam in Our Image and Our Form”.



This was a major gift to Adam

Since the advent of the Merciful YHVH in the Heavenly Court

sweeten our verdicts and offer us the option

to repent, ask forgiveness, and start all over again.


But is has also set up the goal for history- becoming Very Good

So that we would enter the next Day, the Sabbath,

This consultation has also enriched our lives,

Endowing it with holiness and joy


but it came with a price:

For by speaking in plural,

ELHM opened the door for idolaters

To think we have more than One Creator

that YHVH and ELHM are two gods


Thus, whenever ELHM gives,

He also asks something in return, measure for measure.



After setting the goals for Adam’s life, the direction where Man goes,

ELHM turned “back” to the Chapter

To provide the best materials for Adam’s body











  ELKM consulted the Six Days and made Adam




Turning to the Six Days, ELHM said to each Day:

“Let Us Make Adam in Our Form and Our Image.”

Each Day agreed, and ELHM consulted it and made a layer in Adam accordingly.

Each Day provided a dimension in Adam’s body and soul


In other words-

He consulted each Day as a BUILDER Who Consults His Plan

and built a layer in Adam accordingly.


Thus –


He consulted the First Day and made Adam. Adam is made of stuff that stars are made of.


He Consulted the Second Day’s Water and made another layer in Adam. Our body   constitutes mostly of waters.


He Consulted the Third Day’s Vegetation and made another layer in Adam; giving our eyes the ability to perform photosynthesis and to our blood vessels to brunch out like trees.


He Consulted the Fourth Day’s Luminaries and made another layer in Adam accordingly. This is why we have in us a biologic clock that knows days from nights , something crucial for our nervous system


He Consulted the Fifth Days’ fish, birds and crocodiles , and made another layer in Adam


He Consulted the Sixth Days’ Cattle, Beasts and Crawling creatures and made another layer in Adam.


Adam is therefore the summary of everything created before him. 











 Is the story supported by science? 



You can see the story playing out

in the way the human embryo develops in the mother’s womb.


We all start as a single cell, that divides and grows into multi-cellular ball,

then evolves into phases that resemble Fish, Bird, Lizard and so on.


The scientists say:  Onto-genesis repeats Phyllo-genesis.


Hence, Moses’ story is fully supported by our science

Something you can’t say about any of the myths of his time,

Thereby establishing Moses’ credibility.


Now, Moses adds something that Science can’t say:

that Man was born to withstand the IDOLATRY trial



By speaking to the councilors in plural,

ELHM made each councilor a potential idol.

For people would regard it as a Partner with ELHM.


As if ELHM, by the consultation,

rendered each councilor a magical status in Man’s eyes

So much, that Man would be tempted to worship it


As it turns out,

Moses actually predicts here the path that

Man would take in history

Along with the IDOLATRY trial




Has this prediction of IDOLATRY in history came true?

Indeed, Man’s history has followed the path dictated here by Moses




After the expulsion from Eden, G-d keeps calling :

“Adam! Where are you? Come to me! “

Adam hears that call, yet G-d is hiding from our eyes





Adam, living in the Sixth Day,

Hears G-d’s calling, and he looks for Him in the creatures around him,

Made with him on the Sixth Day.

Adam sees the animals created close to him, the cattle, beast and “snakes”


And they seem to him so powerful, so magical, so fascinating

that he is tempted to worship then, as his CREATOR


He worships the Cattle, holy cow, as the Egyptians did

He worships  powerful beasts, as al ancient civilizations did

And he worships the snakes and Dragons, as the Greeks and Chinese did

And he worships even the Fly, as the Philistines did



But soon Adam becomes wiser and he realizes

that those creatures are in fact not so powerful.

But since he keeps hearing G-d calling him

“Adam , where are you? Come to me!”

he searches for God deeper in Nature,

In creatures made on the Fifth Day


Adam is now impressed by Great Fish, Birds and Crocodiles,

So much, that he worships them as if they are his creator


Indeed, the ancient Egyptians depicted their gods

With faces of fish, birds, and crocodiles;

And so did other ancient civilizations



But soon Man becomes wiser and he realizes

that those creatures are not so powerful.

Yet, hearing God calling him,

Adam seeks G-d now in creatures made  deeper in Nature,

made on the Forth Day, namely

The Luminaries, the Sun and the Moon and the Stars,

and he worships them

as the Babylonians did

when they introduced Astrology



But soon Man discovers the fallacy of these celestial idols

and he looks for G-d deeper in Nature

in creatures made on the Third day, Vegetation,

and he worships them, as the Canaanites did

who worshiped gods of fertility, the Baal and Ashtoreth,

with sacred prostitution



Other people  looks even deeply in Nature,

into the Waters that covered Earth on the Second Day

And they worship the Sea, like the Greeks who worshipped Poseidon



And nowadays,

Man is still hearing G-d’s call

Adam, where are you? Come to me!

And we tend to look deeper in Nature,

to the primordial elements of the Universe

thinking that our origin lies there!


But soon, We hope,

Man will recognize the true God of Israel

Who, according to the Bible,

Created the world

Created the Six Days,

Created Mankind



Since Moses is credible about his story of creating Adam,

Verified by observing each embryo,

And by observing the course of history along the path of IDOLATRY


He seems to be also credible about his moral message

That Adam is born to withstand the challenge of IDOLATRY


Now, with who else did ELHM consult in the making of Adam?




A note:


Why did ELHM consult the Six Days to make Adam?

By consulting the Six Days

Adam became the summary of Nature

A member of Nature

So that Adam could rule over Nature

As a King Who Consults.



This consultation gave Adam the ability to

identify and sympathize with each creature

and feel its needs , and lead it  forwards



A king, says Moses (Deuteronomy) should be elected

Only from among his future subjects, as it is said

“From among your brothers, you should elect a king.”

The King can’t be an alien