© 2018 by Rabbi Dr. Zvi Aviner
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IDOLATRY-17/ Our sweetest idol: Our Ego

Know your CREATOR, know yourself and know the difference


When ELKM consulted His Angels before making Adam, saying “Let Us Make and Adam,” they wondered: “Our King, why consulting us ? Aren’t we your faithful messengers who perform your wish without discretion?”

ELKM answered: “I consult you nevertheless, to teach Adam modesty – that the superior should consult the inferior.”

The Angels understood several things:

  1. That ELKM became a King Who Consults in Modesty.  Earlier He had ruled “awesomely alone” as a Dictator, but henceforth He would rule with Consultation.

2. That ELKM wished to teach Adam to rule with modesty, like Him.

3. That Adam was born to face a choice: Be a ruler like ELKM during the Six Days, a dictator – or ruler like ELKM Who Consults. Only the second choice would allow Adam to see the next Day.

3. That by saying Let Us, ELKM planted in Adam the precious gifts of Self, namely the  ‘I’, ‘You’ and ‘He’ or ‘she.’ .  other  creatures made before Adam, smart as they might be, have only a communal self.  Adam is made, primarily, as an individual.

4. What does the ‘ Self’ want the most, if not be recognized by other selves? Or better said: to rule over? or better said: to be recognized, exalted and even worshiped?

You see that in the structure of the Ten Commandments. it says

1. I Am (the Self)

2. YHVH your ELKM (Attributes)

3. Who took you out of the Land of Egypt (Kingship) . .

The self (line 1) expresses itself to the outside world through Kingship (line 3)


In fact the verse can be split into three types of Kingship as follows

Self and Kingship of ELKM…………..Self and Kingship of YHVH…………..Self and Kingship of YHVH ELKM

I Am……………………………………………..I Am  ………………………………………….I Am

ELKM…………………………………………..YHVH………………………………………….YHVH your ELKM

Who (ruled the Six Days alone) ……….Who rules the Sabbath alone    …….Who took you out of Egypt


Since the “I Am,” the “self” does always thrive to be exalted as a king, it can be arrogant. ELKM therefore deemed it absolutely necessary to teach Adam MODESTY first

In other worlds: ELKM gives but also demands.  He gave Adam the precious gift of Self Consciousness and a Free Will, but has also used the same gift as a basic of our IDOLATRY trial.

The IDOLATRY trial is based on fascinations and attractions. What can be more attractive to Adam than his own self? Our Ego is therefor our sweetest idol. Moreover, it would last longer than all other idols. Even if Adam would advance in history and wipe out all the idols in the world, this one- our own self- would still be alive and kicking.