Elon Musk’s 10 Points for Reading the Bible
and One More
Rabbi Dr Zvi Aviner
Recently, Elon Musk delivered a surprised speech, stating ten points why people should read the Bible. Let’s examine them as Noahides. We will see that Elon Musk, it, follows the Book of Genesis step by step, while being unaware of it.
Point 1
The Bible teaches us about our inner being,
which is not about gadgets and technology
but rather about our souls.
Technology can help us to connect with other people,
but it can’t help to fill the emptiness inside you.
The Bible teaches us about our inner being –
True, Genesis Cha 1 inform us in detail about our inner being,
How we are made.
Amazingly, it does that as an introduction to the Torah,
To tell us that the Torah is given to us because of the way we are made.
The Torah and her Comm addresses every human fault.
ELKM the All – Mighty JUDGE built us with those faults to stand a trial,
Then He gave us the Torah to correct those faults
and elevate us to see the next Day.
Ch 1 shows that all other creatures in nature are deemed “good” in ELKM eyes,
But at the end of our Day, the Sixth Day, we need to be Very Good in His eyes.
Implying that Adam needs to elevate himself from a mere product of the Evolution,
incorporate the values of the Torah into his heart and mind,
thereby correct our faults and become an ideal Adam,
the one that ELKM has on His mind as a goal,
so that we will win our trial and merit entering the next Day
the Seventh, the Sabbath.
That is why the Torah tells us about inner selves, and how we are built.
We need to be aware of our faults,
and the purpose of the Six Commandments of Adam,
that address those basic faults and correct them one by one.
As it turns out, Elan Musk, the builder of a humanoid IA robots,
would appreciate the way the Torah describe how ELKM made us.
Ch 1 describes that when ELKM was about to create Adam,
He acted like a Company’s CEO who is planning a humanoid robot.
The CEO would assemble all the expert in his Co and ask each one
To contribute his expertise to the project. They would bring the best material for the body,
the best hardware and software for its functions and mind,
especially directed to the robot purpose, helping it to fulfill its duties,
then implant in its mind the instructions needed to survive and reach its goals.
Amazingly, Ch1, written 3500 years ago,
describes the making of Adam in a similar fashion.
Thus, before making Adam, ELKM assembled
whoever is mentioned in Ch 1, from the Beginning to its end,
and to each entity He said in plural –
Let Us – you and me – Make an Adam in our form and our image.
They all agreed, and ELKM consulted each of them
like an architect consulting his master blue plan
and made Adam accordingly.
Hence Adam is made layer by layer, each layer comprises
Of a contribution of an item mentioned in the Chapter.
Thus, to make our body, He consulted each of the Six Days and made Adam.
We are the summary of the entire Evolution,
as seen in the human embryo developing in the uterus.
We all pass from the stage of a singular cell to evolve ito
A full human baby ready to come out.
In that process, ELKM incorporated in us all the features found in nature
Such as sex drive, the drive to survive by eating other creature,
The drive to own a territory, and the drive to rule over and be important.
Then ELKM turned to His own Wisdom and Science
by which He had created the world,
consulted it like an architect consulting his plan
and made Adam mind accordingly.
No wonder that Elon Musk possesses such a smart mind
Developing a fleet of space – ships ready to move to other plants.
Then ELKM blessed the Sex Drive and the drive to own and rule over, in that order,
And blessed them inside Adam. Those drives would be stronger in Adam
Than in other creatures. They serve as precious gifts given to Adam
Helping him to successfully thrive on Earth.
Then, as a base for Adam trial, ELKM did something dangerous,
That He had not done with all other creatures –
He planted in Adam such an independent strong Free Will,
that Adam might be allured to follow his Drives
and perform immorally on Earth,
against the wish of his CREATOR, ELKM.
To help Adam, ELKM planned to give Adam Six Comm,
each addressing a major potential fault.
IDOLATRY addresses Adam’s big Ego,
ADULTERY addresses Adam’s Sex Drive
BLOODSHED addresses Adam Drive to survive in ELKM’s harsh world
THEFT addresses Adam’s Drive to own territory and property
CIVI JUSTICE addresses Adam’s Drive to rule over
BLASPHEMY addresses Adam’s Drive to rebel against his CREATOR.
Going back to Elon Musk, he says that
The Bible teaches us about our inner being,
which is not about gadgets and technology
but rather about our souls.
Indeed, Genesis Ch 2 tells us about our souls.
Hashem ELKM – the two Attributes Side by side-
Blew Hiis Spirit – in Oneness – into Adam nostrils
And Adam became a living creature who has a soul.
That soul is connected to the CREATOR’’S LIPS.
Hence unlike any humanoid Robot, be it s sophisticated as possible,
We humans possess a soul that is directly connected to holiness,
To the CREATOR’S own lips. No robot would achieve that.
Next, he says that –
Technology can help us to connect with other people,
but it can’t help to fill the emptiness inside you.
Here the Master of Science and technology of our time
admits in public that his achievements leave him
with emptiness.
Why is it so? Where does the sense of emptiness come from?
We feel emptiness because we are made to be drawn
In another direction altogether.
We are made to long and aspire to reach the next Day, the Sabbath.
We got that longing directly from our CREATOR, ELKM.
Ch1 shows that seeing that Adam may fail his trial,
ELKM invited another Attribute – the Merciful YHVH –
Yp come over and share the Heavenly Court with Him.
Her Advent in the Court would offer Adam to win our trial
And enter the next Day, the Sabbath.
Moreover, the text show that ELKM Himself is LOMGING to enter the Sabbath,
Like a Groom Longing to meet the Bride.
At the end oof Chy 1 -before the Sabbath –
it says “ELKM ended all the world that He had done.”
The Hebrew word for “ended,” Khalah, means either
A total annihilation, or a Bride.
Hence ELKM posed a threat –
either I see my Bride, the Sabbath, or annihilation
I will return the Universe to nothingness,
as I ‘ve done to many other Universes before.
We inherited that longing for Hashem and the Sabbat from ELKM.
No wonder that deviating from reaching that goal
And subjecting our life to any other entity
Like Science Tech or Politics or any other goal
Would still leave in us a deep sense of emptiness,
Which would be filled only by incorporating in us
the values and the ways of Hashem and the Torah.
Point 2 :
The Bible teaches you to live a life of purpose,
how to be kind and love others…
The emptiness in our heart, which can’t be cured by scientific achievements alone, can be filled by caring and loving others. Loving others can fill your life with a purpose.
Indeed, the Bible wishes us to focus on others,
Let us note that out of the six Comm of Adam from Eden –
five fall in the realm between Man and his fellow Man.
Only the first one – IDOLATRY – falls in the realm between Man and G-d.
Indeed, out of the Ten Commandments of Sinai,
the whole Tablet on the Left (in English) is about Man and Man,
whereas the whole Tablet on the right is between Man and G-d.
Point 3
Reading the Bible helps you understand that
there is more in the world than your eyes can see.
It teaches you to look beyond the surface
and see the bigger picture.
If you are caught with the I phone all day
it is easy to forget that there is a world
beyond the screen
We learned from Genesis that the presence of Hashem in the world is currently concealed.
We see that clearly in the story of Joseph,
how the hidden Kingship of Hashem is leading Jacob’s family to Egypt
behind the scene. INDEED, there is more in the world that our eyes can see.
We do prey that a day will come and we will see His Kingship in the open.
The Bible brings clarity in the world that if full of confusion.
People are searching for answers that make things clearer.
The Bible helps you in a moment of doubt.
Seeing the large plan, will help us to disperse confusion.
Genesis Ch 1 tells us the large plan-
that the World is moving towards the Eternal Sabbath –
when ELKM will abstain from more work
while the Merciful YHVH will reign in the open.
Ch 1 also sys that Adam is born to HELP ELKM fulfill that Heavenly Goal.
Adam will unite ELKM with YHVH in his heart and mind,
thereby becoming Very Good,
eligible to enter the Sabbath, along with the entire Six Days.
Hence Adam is a partner with ELKM in the story of CREATION.
We repeat this theme on every Saturday Night when we bless on the wine.
Take Noah as an example.
Noah accomplished just that, and he has become the new Adam.
On him it is said that he was righteous because he walked with ELKM Laws,
While he also found Face in the Merciful Attribute YHVH eyes.
On him it is said that he merited to witness the two types of the sabbath
Our weekly Sabbath
And the touch of the Eternal Sabbath in his ark, where there was no death and no birth, and everyone lived under the light oof YHVH whie ELKM executed the Flood outside.
Point 4
The Bible teaches us the importance of humility.
In the world of tech and business,
it is easy to be caught by the ego.
A real success comes from serving others,
placing the others first.
Indeed, according to Gen. Ch1, Man’s arrogance is a paramount weakness.
Our Ego iis an important gift, leading us to achieve goals,
But also a major source of sin, of violating the rights of the others.
No wonder that at creation, ELKM took care, first of all, to tame Adam’s ego.
When He created Adam, He descended from His High Throne of a sole ruler, a Dictator,
And spoke in plural the first time.
And when the Angels wondered – Our King, aren’t you afraid that by speaking in plural
You’ve opened the door for idolaters to think that there are other God, or that you have Partners?
So, ELKM answered: My Angels, I take the risk of IDOLATRY
And I speak in plural for I wish to teach Adam MODESTY –
that the Superior will consult the inferior.
Modesty helps us to overcome our inflated Ego,
which is the strongest idol that we may face in our journey.
Point 5
The Bible teaches us the importance of forgiveness.
In life, we all get hurt by others, whether it is a betrayal,
misunderstanding, or a malicious act.
It is then difficult to move on.
But the Bible teach us how forgiveness
heals wound and bring peace.
Here E Musk touches a major point in the Book of Genesis.
Adam and Eve were offered a chance to repent,
confess and ask forgiveness,
yet they failed to do so and therefore were driven out
of Eden to live on Earth.
Then, as the Book of Genesis comes to its end,
Joseph Brothers – a royal family – sell their brother Jospeh
With is not only a transgression of THEFT, ABDUCTION and INISTICE,
But also an act of Blasphemy, Adam Sixth Comm.
It was a major failure, not unlike the failure of Adam in Eden,
yet this time the brothers did repent with full heart,
asked forgiveness from both Joseph and Hashem.
Hence, they corrected the failure of Adam and Eve in Eden.
By that, the Book of Genesis closes, as if the journey from Eden is done.
Henceforth the Torah turns to history. All Mankind needs to repent,
Ascend to the purity of Adam and Eve in Eden,
And proceed to the Sabbath as stated in Genesis Ch1.
Hence, E Musk is right. Repentance is offered to us by Hashem.
When we violate any of the Five Comm between Man and Man,
We must do what Joseph Brothers did –
Ask forgiveness from the party we have hurt,
And ask forgiveness from Hashem.
Point 6
The Bible reminds us about the power of hope.
In a world full of challenges, it is easy to lose hope.
But the Bible shows us the message of hope,
that transgresses everything no matter how hard.
Elon Musk moves on following the stories in the Book of Genesis
Indeed, the first thing that Eve experienced after the expulsion from Eden was hope.
When she gave birth to her firstborn child Cain, she said:
In my labor – “I’ve purchased a Man with YHVH.”
Here the first time the name of Hashem appears in the text by herself,
without ELKM by Her side.
Holding her newborn son in her bosom, after having a painful delivery facing death, her blood was streamed with hormones that endowed her with joy, happiness and hope.
She felt the hope that one day humanity will correct the Sin of Eden,
repent and see Hashem standing alone, so that we will continue to the Sabbath.
Without hope, humanity will be lost and fall a prey to the Evil forces
that came here along with the snake.
Point 7
The Bible teaches us the importance of Love.
A true love is not romantic, it is unconditional.
When you read the Bible,
you learn how to love others
with all your heart and soul.
Here Elon Musk is quoting a verse in Deuteronomy saying: “And you shall love Hashem your ELKM with all your soul and your being”.
Rabbi Akiva said that this means that we are called upon
to surrender our lives for the sake of His Glory in public.
As to loving your fellowman,
it is said: “And you shall love your fellowman as you love yourself.”
Rabbi Akiva said that from here we learn that whenever is a clash, my personal life precedes the lives of others.
The Torah does not want you to surrender our lives for the sake of saving other people lives.
Point 8
The Bible teaches us the importance of patience.
In our fast world, patience is often forgotten.
But the Bible teaches us that patience leads to growth.
Point 9
The Bible teaches us how to connect
to someone bigger than yourself.
When we often feel alone,
it is important to remember that there is
a greater force that works,
and has made us and has guided us
How to connect- pray.
We learn this from Jacob.
We are not alone
Indeed, Genesis Ch1 says that the All – Mighty JUDGE ELKM created the Heavens and the Earth. The Universe, including us, stands in Judgment. This implies that the Heavenly Court is watching our steps, our thoughts, our deeds, weighting our merits against our sins. About three books where our deeds are inscribed each year, to be open and read on Rosh Hashanah.
Point 10
The Bible gives us peace, meaning inner peace.
That life is not about being perfect,
it is about knowing that you are loved
no mater what.
Pace – by Repentance like Joseph brothers.
Hashem will forgive us whatever we have done.
In fact, the Bible teaches us the opposite. A person who lacks nothing and is loving with inner peace Would achieve nothing.
We are born to improve ourselves and the world around us. At creation, before making Adam on the Sixth Day, ELKM judged the previous five Day and He found them to be “good” and he was satisfied. But with Adam around, on the trial of the Sixth Day, ELKM demands creation and Adam to become Very Good. Adam needs to elevate himself from sheer animalistic being to be a Very Good being in the eyes oof both ELKM and YHVH. Only then we will merit entering the Sabbath.
Being loved no matter what?
On the Sodomite people it is said
That they were sinners and exceedingly evil in YHVH eyes.
YHVH did not HATE them, only deemed them as Evil,
Since they “knew YHVH yet did the opposite” in rebellion.
Instead of loving people no matter who they are,
They related to others in a cruel way, with lot of fun.
They had to be overturn.
They and Abraham could not live on the same planet.
NOW one may charge – All the above is just an invention of the human mind,
Trying to disperse the confusion of living in a Universe that has no purpose.
For that we add another point –
Adding Point 11
Read the Bible b/c it is true.
NOAH HARARI – imagination oof Homo Sapience.
God talks to Homo Sapeience