Genesis Vs Evolution Class 4/Adam

Genesis Vs Evolution

Class 4: Adam


Now that we’ve established Moses’s   credibility about the history of the World, is he also credible about the history of Man?

Let’s pay attention to his words, since  his goal is tell us about Man rather than about the Universe.


1: The Scientific Narrative of Man’s Evolution


Science says (according to the History Chanel) that Man appeared on Earth gradually over the last 2 Million years. The growth of Mammals  actually began  75 Million years ago, following  the meteoric catastrophe that wiped out all the giant creatures of Pangea , including the Dinosaurs.  A devastating catastrophe  it was,  yet it changed the climate in our favor.   Small creatures like Mammals could now proliferate and evolve faster than before. First came Large Apes, then Primitive Man like Homo Erectus and Homo Neanderthal (0.7-0.4 Million years ago) than Homo Sapience, “Wise Man,”  us  (about 0.4 M years ago.)

Why Mammals? What gave mammals the advantage to grow more than other creatures? The scientists debate on that.  Some say that  Mammals’ ability to stand upright and free their hands gave them the advantage.  Others credit some  mysterious chemical in the Mammal mother’s milk..  After all, MILK is what distinguishes Mammals by definition. Others say that the protection that Mammals give their offspring is what has promoted their growth.  Whereas Crocodiles eat their babies to prevent competition, Mammals nourish their babies, to promote their proliferation.

As Man evolved, Science says, so did his Brain.   Our mind after all is what makes us Homo Sapience, Wise Man.  Our mind endows us with abstract thinking, language, imagination and fascination. You can see this fascinations in Cave Man’s  painting of  hunting scenes on his cave’s walls.  Our mind allows us to invent tools and comprehend the way the Universe works.

But at the same time, Science also believes that our mind does not set us essentially apart from  other creatures. We simply won the race.  Following the demise of the Dinosaurs, Science says, a race began between several social creatures – like ants, spiders and bees- to develop smart colonies and societies.   It is as if the Universe “demands the presence of an intelligent creature in it.”  Given more time, like several more million years, other social creatures besides Man may catch up and develop their own I-Phones, computers and Space Ships.  Man won the race simply by the climate changes in our  favor.

But besides our Wise Brain, Science points also on other factors that have made Man so successful.  Our Self  Consciousnesses and our sense of  Individuality – not found in ants or bees – have also set s apart.  Our sense for Art and Beauty and  Music has also enriched our lives and set us apart.  Our developed  emotional being  has made us different.  Man is “blessed,” for example, with  Sex  Drive that is stronger than seen in other creatures in Nature.  It drives us all year long and dominates our life, as Prof Sigmund Freud says. Other scholars point on our Ego and Drive for Power as a strong force in our psyche that pushes us forwards to achieve  things (Prof Carl Jung).   .

Science sees Man at the apex of the Evolution.  One can see the evidenced for that in the way that every human embryo develops in his mother’s womb.  We all start as a single cell and then divide and grow  into a multi-cellular organism,sometimes resembling fish or birds  or lizards. We repeat in he womb the entire evolution (“Onto-Genesis repeats the Philo-Genesis.”)

Having summarized the Scientific view of Man’s evolution and make up, what does Moses say about it? Dos he concur with Science? Does he add information that Science would never say?

 Let’s pay attention to Moses, since we have found him credible when it comes to Genesis and the history of the world


Compared to our Scientific account

1: The text in Genesis about creating Adam


”And GOD (ELKIM) said Let the Earth bring forth living creatures to their kinds
Cattle, Creeping things and Beasts of the Earth to their kinds, and it was so



And GOD (ELKM) saw that it was good.






“And GOD (ELKM) created The Adam in His Image, in the Image of GOD (ELKM) He created him, male and female He created them.

And GOD (ELKM) blessed them and said to them
Be fruitful and multiply, filled the Earth and conquer it, rule over the Fish…Birds…and all the Beasts…


And behold, it was VERY GOOD
And there was evening, and there was morning, the SIXTH DAY” (was over.)

…………………THE SABBATH DAY BEGINS………………………..

“And the Heavens and the Earth were FINISHED
And GOD (ELKM) FINISHED all the Work that He has done,
And He ABSTAINED on the SEVENTH DAY from all the work that He had done
And GOD (ELKM) blessed the Seventh Day and He sanctified it….
For in it He ABSTAINED from all His work  that GOD (ELKM) had created, to do.”
(Genesis 1-31; 2 1-3)


On the surface, Moses’s Genesis differs from the Scientific story.  The world, including Adam – he seems to be saying – was created only 5779 years ago and in just one week.   Science, in contrast, says that the Universe is 13.7 Billion years old, and that Man has evolved over millions years.

But  the truth is that  Moses does not mention 5779 years.  This number has been calculated retrospectively, from Cain and Able.  This calculation does not necessarily pertain to Genesis Chapters One.

Indeed,  we’ve already learned that according to Kabala each Day of CREATION lasted 2.1 B years on the average.  A Day of CREATION is a Floor in a Six Floors BUILDING – Nature. Hence the age of the Universe is 6×2.1 B =12.6 B years,  quite close to the 13.7 Billion years offered by  Science.    

Man, according to this narrative, has been living on the Sixth Floor, as the last tenant in the BUILDING, with millions of years behind him and millions of years ahead of him .

it is conceivable therefore that Man has grown in stages – from primordial Mammals to Apes to Primitive Man then to Modern  Man.  This process may have taken many years, compatible with Science.

Remember, all we need to show here that Moses’s story CAN be matched with our Scientific knowledge, something you can’t do with any of the myths about CREATION told in his time.



Moses Account of Making Adam



As the Sixth Day downed, GOD (ELKM) continued to creat like ever before.  Still acting as a Sole Dictator,  He issued orders, and things happened. He created, ruled and judged the world “Awesomely Alone” using Absolute Justice that pays “measure for measure” with no Mercy. Thus He said

“Let the Earth bring forth living creatures to their kinds,

Cattle-like and Crawling Creatures and the Beast of Earth to its kinds

And so it was” (Genesis 1: 24)

Then, as the Sixth Day was closing, GOD (ELKM) ‘paused’ and passed an early Judgment on everything He had created earlier on that Day, as it is said

“And GOD (ELKM) said that it was good.”

As before, His judgment was harsh yet just.  The creatures He deemed “Not Good Anymore” He eliminated, since they would not support the rest of the Sixth Day.   Those creatures He deemed “good”  He allowed to adapt and enter the rest of the Sixth Day – and live side by side with Adam

As we’ve seen, this harsh midday judgement of the Sixth Day, can fit well the catastrophe that hit our planet 75 M years ago and decimated the giant creatures of Pangea, including the Dinosaurs.   .

As a rule, whenever GOD (ELKM) said that it was good, it meant that everything was ready to introduce the next, more sophisticated creature.

So when GOD (ELKM) said next:

Let us make an Adam in our form and our image

He spoke to all the ‘raw material’ that was already created,  the entire Six Days, inviting them to participate in the creation of Adam. To be more precised, He spoke to all the items mentioned in the Chapter so far and invited them to participate in the creation of Adam.   This way Adam would be the summary of everything that preceded him.

But that wasn’t all.  The rabbis said that GOD (ELKM)  wished to give Adam a direction where to go and evolve.  He therefore turned also to the future, to everything  mentioned in the rest of Chapter One till the End of  the Sixth Day, which is the End of Time.  He invited them too to participate in the creation of Adam.  This way Adam would connect the past with the future.


Moses also tells us where exactly Adam is going.   Like in all previous Days (besides the 2nd) GOD (ELKM) would pass a judgment on the Day as it turns into the next Day.  The same would happen at the End of our Sixth Day, but with several important differences.

At  End of the Sixth Day. the verse  says .

“And GOD (ELKM) saw everything that he has done

And behold it was (is) Very Good” (Genesis 1: 3)

At the End of our Sixth Day, GOD (ELKM) would  judge not just the passing Sixth Day,  but rather “Everything  that He had done,” the entire Six Floors BUILDING, the whole CREATION from the Beginning to that moment in time.

Moreover, Moses says, GOD (ELKM) increased His demand.  Henceforth He would NOT be satisfied anymore with a good verdict, but only  with a Very Good verdict.

After the demise of the Cattle and the Beasts and the Snakes, while the Day was in progress, GOD (ELKM) tightened the yardstick by which He measures the World,  Henceforth he would expect to feel Very Good about CREATION.

What would happen to CREATION if He would NOT feel Very Good about it? 

Moses hints that the stakes are high.   At the  End of the Sixth Day it is said

  “And the Heavens and the earth were finished…

And GOD (ELKM) finished all the work that He had done .

The word “finished” – khalah – was selected here to hint about two opposite outcomes of the trial-

  • If the BUILDER – GOD (ELKM) – would feel Very Good about His CREATION, He would “finish”- end – His work and abstain from doing more work.(Shabat means “He abstained”)
  • If the BUILDER- GOD (ELKM) –  would not feel Very Good, or would feel merely good, He would “finish” –  terminate – His entire work with wrath. He would consume – khalah-  the world to “ain,” nothingness – as He had done to numerous previous Universes! (Rashi)

In other words- GOD (ELKM) would not enter the Sabbath unless he has felt Very Good about his entire work, the whole CREATION.

But who in the world would make the CREATOR feel Very Good? All the creatures that He had created  so far could make Him feel good at best, never Very Good,

The watching Angels wondered about that with worry.  They worried, since they too are part of CREATION, having been made on the 2nd Day (Midrash,)  If GOD (ELKM) would consume CREATION back to nothingness, they too would be eliminated.  They also worried since they knew well that no creature made so far would be able to make GOD (ELKM) feel Very Good.




The following presentation of Adam birth is based on the Talmud, on commentaries, on ancient liturgy related to the  services in the Holy Temple of Jerusalem, and on our prayer books of the New Year, Rosh hashana- the annual anniversary of Adam creation. . .


How pleased the Angles were to hear GOD ‘S (ELKM)  voice announcing with joyous tone, in plural voice, as if speaking to whoever was listening, to whoever is mentioned in Chapter One, saying

“Let Us Make Adam in Our Form and Our Image

To the angles, this sounded as a plan to make Adam in such a way that he would be able to  make the CREATOR feel Very Good about CREATION.

Then GOD (ELKM) began building a dummy of Adam on the ground.  He would build it layer by layer, while consulting  all the items mentioned in Chapter One.


1. GOD (ELKM) Consulted His Self and made Adam’s Self


First GOD (ELKM) consulted His Own Self and made Adam’s self.  He turned to His Own Self and said, “Let us make Adam in our form and our image,”  then planted a divine Self-Consciousness in Adam’s dummy.

“Should I make such an Adam?” GOD (ELKM) asked the Angles.

“Why do you consult us at all?” They wondered, “are we not your faithful messengers who execute your will with no discretion?”   Indeed, the Hebrew word for Angel, mal-aach, means a messenger, even a human one

“Moreover” the Angles continued, “why do you speak in plural?” The Angles noticed that  previously  GOD (ELKM) only gave orders, saying “let it be”,  consulting no one’s opinion. Now, creating Adam, He had changed.

“I speak in plural and consult you, to teach Adam modesty; that the superior should consult the inferior before making  a decision,”  GOD (ELKM) said (Rashi)

“Our KING,” The Angles kept asking, “are you not afraid that by speaking in plural, you’ve opened the door for idolaters to think that have more than One CREATOR? ” (Rashi)

GOD (ELKM) said: “I  risk idolatry by speaking  in plural, for teaching Adam modesty is paramount!”

From here the Angles derived that Adam would be blessed by enormous Ego and Self Consciousness, yet this very gift could turn into a fault- making Adam extremely  arrogant to the point of worshippig  idols, even  worshiping himself.

“So don’t make him! His Free Will combined with his Ego would most likely cause him to fail your harsh  scrutiny, and you would never feel Very Good about him!” The Angels charged. .

“You are right, my Angles,” GOD (ELKM) said, for the Angles by definition always reflect His Opinion.  “let me try and make him smarter!” .



2. GOD ( ELKM) consulted His Wisdom and made Adam


Still  planning Adam, GOD (ELKM) built another layer in Adam.  Turning  to His Own “Wisdom and Science by Which He had Created the World” (RaMBaN) He said –

Let us Make An Adam, In Our Form and Our Image.

He meant: let me and you, Wisdom and Science, make Adam together. This Primordial Wisdom and Science is mentioned in the first verse of Genesis saying

“In the Beginning (In the Head of the Events)

 GOD (ELKM) created the Heavens and the Earth.” (Genesis 1:1)

The “Head of the Events” can be read as the Wisdom and Science in GOD’S (ELKM) “Head” – so to speak- by Which He created the Heavens and the Earth.

Thus GOD (ELKM) “looked backwards” from the Sixth Day to the Beginning,  consulted the “Wisdom and Science in His Head” and made another layer in Adam’s mind. .

And ever since then, Adam’s mind is so powerful that it can  unravel all the mysteries of the Universe.  There would be nothhg in the Universe that could evade Adam’s searching mind.  By this, Moses agrees in full with Science that Adam is a Homo Sapience, a Wise Man.

Turning to the Angels, GOD (ELKM) asked, “Shall I make such a wise Adam?”

The Angles said: “Our King, you have given Adam an enormous gift by which he can rule his habitat. . But in his arrogance, Adam could use this gift of Wisdom and Science to destroy the world, rather than to lead it and build it…

“Moreover,” they continued,”Adam may worship Science. After all, since you’ve consulted Science to make Adam, he would err to think that Science is on of his CREATORS! So do not make him! Most likely he would worship Science and destroy the world.  He would certainly fail to stand your harsh scrutiny and make you feel Very Good!”

GOD (ELKM) agreed, since the Angels always reflect His own opinion. “I shall then make Adam a part of Nature, so that he would love it and not destroy it…”


3. GOD (ELKM) Consulted the Six Days and made Adam


Still planning Adam, GOD (ELKM) turned to the Six Days  and to each one He said

Let Us Make an Adam in Our Form and Our Image.”

He consulted each Day like a BUILDER consulting His Plan, and made successive layers in Adam. Thus-

Consulting the First Day, He built a layer in Adam made of Light and Matter and stuff that galaxies and stars are made of.

Consulting the Second Day, He built another layer in Adam made of Water. No wonder that our bodies consist mainly of water

Consulting the Third Day, He built another layer in Adam based on Vegetation. Our bodies harbor blood vessels that brunch like a tree , our eyes perform sort of photosynthesis to see.

Consulting the Fourth Day He built it our bodies sensitive to night and days, a feature so crucial for our   nervous system.

Consulting the Fifth Day, He Built other layers in our bodies that resemblie Fish, Birds and Amphibians  .

Consulting the Sixth Day, s He built other layers in our bodies that resemble Cattle, Beasts and Crawling creatures.  You can see all that in our bodies as it develop in our mother’s wombs.

“Should I make such an Adam?” GOD (ELKM) consulted His Angles.

“Our KING! You have given him an enormous gift. Since Adam is a summary of everything created before him he is not an alien in this world.  Adam can identify with Nature and its creatures – and therefore can rule over it by understanding and consulting. Adam should be thankful to you…”

The Angels continued: “On the other hand, Adam may err to think that the items in Nature are his CREATOR.  After all, haven;t you consulted them to make Adam? In his mind they would seem so powerful,,,”

The Angels continued:

“Adam might worship items of the Sixth Day- cattle and Beasts and Snakes.

Adam might worship items of the Fifth Day – Fish and Birds and Crocodiles

Adam might worship the items of the Fourth Day- the Sun and  the Moon and the Celestial  bodies

Adam might worrship  the items of the Third day – Trees, Mountains, Oceans

“So do not make him! chances are he would fail your Absolute Justice and Scrutiny and would never make you feel Very Good!”

GOD (ELKM) agreed, since the Angels reflect his view.”Let me try and make Adam rich with Art.  This would lead him to appreciate me…”


4. He Consulted the “Spirit of ELKM”

and made Adam

GOD (ELKM) then turned to another entity mentioned early in the chapter, namely “the Spirit of ELKM” that “hovered over the water.”

What is the Spirit of ELKM? Moses, in the Book of Exodus, explains that “Spirit of GOD (ELKM)” refers to Art.  as it is  said

And the LORD (YHVH) called in the name of Bezalel …

And he filled him with the Spirit of GOD (ELKM)….

of Wisdom, Insight and Knowledge and with every craft,

to wave designs, to work with gold, silver and copper

And stone cutting for setting, and wood crafting, to perform every craft of design” (Exodus 35: 30-33)

Now, planning Adam, GOD ELKM turned to “His Spirit” and said to it in plural –

Let Us Make an Adam in Our Form and Our Image

He Consulted His Own Art like a BUILDER Who Consults His Plan, and made another layer in Adam.  Henceforth Art would enrich our lives like no other talent.

“Should I make such an Adam?” GOD (ELKM) consulted His angles.

“You have given him a precious gift, which he may use for bad causes. He may even worship Art and music and make it a center focus of his life, instead of worshiping you.  So do not make him! He would most likely fail  your harsh scrutiny and would not make you feel Very Good about him!”

GOD (ELKM) agreed, since the angles reflect His own opinion. “let me try to plant powerful forces in Adam that would propel him forwards..” He said


  5: GOD (ELKM) consulted the “sex Drive” and made Adam


Having exhausted items mentioned earlier in Chapter One, GOD (ELKM) turned to items mentioned ahead of him in the Chapter, such as the Drive to Procreate, and said

Here is the verse: After the verse above it is said   

And ELKM blessed them and said to them

Be fruitful and multiply, filled the Earth and conquer it,
and rule over the Fish…Birds…and all the Beasts…”

GOD (ELKM) turned to “Be fruitful and multiply” – the blessed Sex Drive- consulted it and planted it as a layer in Adam’s dummy.

And ever since that Consultation, Adam’s Sex Drive is stronger than it is in other creatures of Nature. it would dominate Adam’s life and push him forwards to achieve his goals.

“Should I make Adam blessed by this powerful drive?” GOD (ELKM) asked His Angles.

“Our KING! it is a great gift! But also a great trap.  Adam may fail to make you feel Very Good about him! So do not make him! ” They said.

“Let me try another gift,” GOD (ELKM) said.


6: GOD (ELKM) consulted the Drive to Rule Over and made Adam



Let us, me and you, make an Adam in our Form and our Image.”

He “Consulted” the Drive For Power and planted it as a layer in Adam. Henceforth it would propel Adam forwards like the Sex Drive.

Moreover, since GOD planted it ahead of our Sex Drive, it would be the strongest, as Prof. Carl Jung would agree.

Note that in Nature too, those two Drives- the Sex Drive and the Drive for Power – are also intertwined. You see that in males competing for the females.  Only that in Adam these Drive are magnified manifolds to move us forwards.


So far, Moses concurs with Science about Man.

  1. Man is at the apex of the Evolution,
  2. Man possesses a smart mind, he is a homo sapience
  3. Man possesses an artistic mind that enriches our lives
  4. Man possesses a strong Self Consciousness and a Free Will
  5. Man possesses a strong Sex Drive that pulls us forwards
  6. Man possesses a strong Drive for Power that propels us forwards

For Science, these talents are enough to distinguish Mankind.  For Moses, they are important yet not enough to make us not just good but rather Very Good in GOD ELKM eyes.

What is still missing in Adam