Do I need a Messiah to Teach Me?
Rabbi Dr Z Aviner
When the Messiah comes, what exactly will he do?
I know. Some will board themselves in the basement with lots of sardines, scotch and ammunition,
Then watch through the windows into the horizon as a throng of ghosts come out of their graves while myriad of armed plans and robots attack each other in Gog and Magog fashion.
But Isaiah says otherwise.
He sees the Messiah as a teacher and mentor of Mankind as he says :
The Mountain of the Lord
2 This is what Isaiah son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem:
2 In the last days
the mountain of the Lord’s temple will be established
as the highest of the mountains;
it will be exalted above the hills,
and all nations will stream to it.
3 Many peoples will come and say,
“Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord,
to the temple of the God of Jacob.
He will teach us his ways,
so that we may walk in his paths.”
The law will go out from Zion,
He will judge between the nations
and will settle disputes for many peoples.
They will beat their swords into plowshares
and their spears into pruning hooks.
Nation will not take up sword against nation,
nor will they train for war anymore.
5 Come, descendants of Jacob,
let us walk in the light of the Lord
He will judge between the nations
and will settle disputes for many peoples.
They will beat their swords into plowshares
and their spears into pruning hooks.
Nation will not take up sword against nation,
nor will they train for war anymore.
5 Come, descendants of Jacob,
let us walk in the light of the Lord
Thus, according to Isaiah, at the Messianic days
all the nations will flock to the Mount of Hashem in Jerusalem
and there they will bow down to Hashem and learn from the Messiah Torah,
meaning the seven Noahide commandments.
The question that you may ask as a Noahide, who is already versed well about Hashem and the seven commandment, what do I need from the Messiah?
What will he teach me that I do not already know?
Since I’ve come to Hashem on my own, what would I expect the Messiah to add that I don’t know?
Let’s see what can I learn by myself and what do I need a Messiah to teach me
Sefat Emeth
In other words, every Noahide I can read the book of Genesis – without the help of a fancy kabalistic rabbi so called rabbi and know by himself the major plan of CREATION, the story of the Seven Commandments, and what does G-d expect from us. What exactly will the Messiah add?
We can read chapter 1 and know what the world was created for, and where is it going.
CH 1 and 2 tells us two stories of CREATION.
CH 1 tell us the major plan.
The world was initially created by ELKM alone, as the Attribute of judgment, to withstand a judgment. That is what ELKM does. No escape.
And for long Six Days, ELKM created Nature and advanced it from Day to Day
according to His criteria of Absolute Justice. Measure for Measure. Animals eat and are eaten with justice, but no MERCY.
ELKM is kind a d provides us with subsidence, yet He also demands from us something back in return.
He gave Adam lost oof gifts, necessary for our survival,
But the same gifts may turn into immoral traps.
This way he established our trial.
Hence initially ELKM created the Six Days alone, by Himself,
As shown in the diagram,
And at the end of each Day He judged the passing Day and said it was good.
He created it with Wisdom and a sense of beauty, as it says
And the Spirit of ELKM was hovering over the waters.
ELKM 1—2—3—4—5—6—-
ELKM 1—2—3—4—5—-6—Adam—YH/VH Shabbat
Very Good
But on the sixth day, when He was about to created Adam,
ELKM knew that Adam would not withstand up to judgment and succeed.
He therefore prepared for Adam a package of Six Commandments
That would address all the major desires and passions of Adam.
Keeping them would help Adam to overcome his nature,
And win his trial at the End of the Six Day.
These are:
Justice and civil order
Each of the Comm is aimed at a strong inclination in mankind.
Mankind needs these instincts in to thrive in the world of ELKM,
but these instincts can serve as are a spiritual trap for our End of Days trial by ELKM.
Then Ch 1 says that ELKM knew that keeping the Six Comm would be difficult,
And that Adam -m Mankind – would certainly fail,
He therefore decided to offer Adam a chance to succeed in the trial, and survive into the next Day,
Hence He did something new –
He shared the world and the creation of Adam with the Attribute of Mercy whose name is YHVH.
As cha 1 shows,
YHVH comes from the eternal Shabbat Day, where she reigns alone.
She came hesitantly, shyly, half Her name in the Six Day and the other still in the Sabbath.
Her advent in the court offers Adam the opportunity to repent, profess, ask forgiveness, and start all over again.
This way Adam will have a chance to withstand the harsh scrutiny of ELKM
And see the next Day – the Sabbath.
That was a strong gift to Adam by ELKM,
But it has also increased Adam liability and judegment.
Henceforth, Adam would have not only to comply with ELKM’s Six Comm,
But also must not only find favor in the eyes of the Attribute of mercy YHVH.
Complying with both, would elevate Adam to be Very Good
And merit to enter the next Day which is now defined as the Sabbath.
Like Noah, about whom it is written that he was
righteous because he walked in the ways of ELKM, that is, he kept the six commandments.
And in addition, he found face in the attribute of mercy’s eyes.
Therefore, he was saved from the flood
And he merited to observe the two Sabbaths,
Ours, and the Eternal Sabbath in his ark
All of this I can read for myself without the Messiah.
Ch1 presents for me the Great Plan of the World,
Describing the entire history of the Earth
from the Big Bang to the end of days.
Every person can find himself readily in this story,
knowing where we came from and where we are going –
both in my personal life and within the human race
I can also read the book of Genesis and know what happened later in CREATION.
Chapter 2 and the Story of the Garden of Eden shows me what happened when the attribute of mercy joined the attribute of judgment to rule the world and create man
It is written, “These are the histories of the heavens and the earth
when they were created anew,
On the day that JYHVH ELKM made the earth and the heavens…
YHVH ELKM 1—2—3—4—-5—-6—-YH/VH Sabbat
Hence in chapter 1, the attribute of mercy was only on Shabbat and entered the sixth day,
Whereas here she continued her way back from the Sixth into the fifth, fourth, third, second, and first day.
That is what the verse means by saying that YHVH ELKM re-created Earth and Heavens,
In the opposite of the heaven and earth of ch1.
Therefore, YHVH is here along with ELKM, but in a hidden fashion.
Moreover, as the two Attributes were flying back,
They parked on the third day –
before there was rain on the earth
and before there were plants or any living thing.
At that point the Attributes formed the virtual Garden of Eden
From where the virtual Adam and Eve could reach the Sabbath
without ever living on the earth facing the Angel of Death .
Moreover, to make their trial easier,
Adam and his wife had to observe only two out of the six,
Namely idolatry and adultery.
The other four Comm – bloodshed, robbery, judgment and desecration of God’s name – remained optional in case they would lose Eden to live on earth facing the Angle oof Death .
Eden was an attempt, on the part of the attribute of mercy,
to allow Adam to move to Shabbat without actually living on Earth.
But man did not stand the test and failed.
The attribute of mercy called upon him to repent adam, Eicha
but man with his great ego did not do so, and therefore
was expelled from the Garden of Eden to be created on earth.
The trial in Aden took place on the third day
When the Dry land was separated from the sea.
Once the decision to bring Adam on real Earth was established,
Adam was made by the Evolution.
First, plant life on the earth, from there plants, and from there the animals in the sea and on land, as described in chapter 1.
But when Adam was thrown out of Eden,
the Creator told him that he would not be alone on Earth
but that the Creator would be with him
to help him purify himself on earth to return to the purity of Adam
before the expulsion.
For that, Adam will have to observe all the six Comm
and the Creator will answer him and help him accordingly.
And for this purpose, the rest of the book of Bereishit was written.
Which I can read by myself and study the Comm.
The book describes the patriarchs—from Noah to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Yosef
each observing one of the six commandments in order.
Noach – The Third Mitzvah of Bloodshed
Avraham – kept the fourth commandment of theft by doing the opposite – boundless kindness
Yaakov kept the fifth commandment of laws and social justice
Yosef and the brothers – who transgressed the desecration of God’s name and repented. Thus, they corrected what Adam and Eve did not do.
All of this I can read and know for myself without the Messiah.
And I understand from the end of the book that every person
can ascend back to the purity of the Garden of Eden
by keeping the six commandments of Adam.
It is easier to ascend the ladder of the Comm -from the Sixth to the First.
We will preserve the sanctity of God’s name and not desecrate the name of Heaven. As the children of Noah, we must make sure that we lead a moral life in front of all other people. Because every failure of ours is also a desecration of the name of Heaven
From there, we will climb the ladder to the fifth mitzva of laws and social justice. As the children of Noah, we must fight lies, false messages, beliefs based on lies, and social justice and justice Orderly and just. Since this is a positive commandment of the Noahide people, it is the only way that sanctifies the Noahide people.
From there, we will climb the ladder and observe a more difficult mitzva, which is the kindness of Avraham. It is connected to the concept that each person has ownership of his property, even though everything belongs to the Creator of the world. Here is also the source of the blessings in the Torah – to bless Hashem for everything good or bad.
And from there to the observance of the third more difficult commandment – bloodshed and war – which Noach kept and which is the basis of Noach’s covenant of the bow.
And here we went up the ladder and reached the state of man in the Garden of Eden
ADAM – idolatry
ADAM & EVE – adultery
NOAH – bloodshed
ABRAHAM – theft
JACOB – civil order & justice
JOSEPH and BROTHERS – desecration
And yet, to go back to chapter 1 and continue to sit down,
Man – the human race – must overcome the remaining three
The bait to go through these three is so great
that without the help of Heaven we will not reach Shabbat
And that is exactly the role of the Messiah.
It will teach a person and help him overcome the three strongest urges (in Kabbalah they are called the first three)
It is also possible that the stage of man will change for the better with the coming of the Messiah, so that we will accept His words without opposition
The brothers and Joseph repented
and corrected the sin of the Garden of Eden
Therefore, the Torah goes on to tell us
in the book of Exodus and the other books
how the Messiah will come to complete the journey to Shabbat
The Israelites will come to the Holy Land, settle in it as described in the book of Joshua
They will build a just society of Torah and judges there, as it is written in the book of Judges
And then David will come, as described in the book of Samuel.
And he founded Jerusalem and bought Mount Moriah
And Solomon will build the Temple
And from the house of David will come the Messiah, the son of David.
And he will lead the world – Israel and the children of Noah.
Keeping the Three Hardest Matzot