Meet the CREATOR: EeLoHiM




Why did G-d, the CREATOR, made Adam for a trial?
The answer is profound and is given by the name for G-d,

that Moses elected to appear in the story of CREATION.


What Name?

Doesn’t the first verse say:

In the Beginning, G-d created the Heavens and the Earth?

We don’t see here any answer to our question!


But the truth is, that the first verse of Chapter One actually says in Hebrew:   :

At the beginning, EeLoHiM created the Heavens and the Earth.”


The difference?

The tern G-d expresses a general reverence and awe,

whereas the Hebrew term EeLoHiM refers to a Powerful, All-Mighty JUDGE.

Hence the notion that at the time of CREATION,

the CREATOR set on the Throne of JUDGMENT, as a JUDGE,

and created the world- including Man – for JUDGMENT.


Hence, unlike what many people believe,

G-d created the Universe NOT out of Love or Goodness,

but to withstand a JUDGMENT.


And that is true also for Adam.

EeLoHiM (ELHM in short) created Adam to withstand a trial,

And He is asking Adam to be RESONSIBLE for his actions.


And that trial, into which Adam is born according to Chapter One,

Is the trial of IDOLATRY. Here the term IDOLATRY is used

In its widest meaning, encompassing our entire life,

our many trials and tribulations.


So who is ELHM?

Who are the idols?


Let’s note that the term ELHM is a “Name”, an Attribute,

that describes the way, the CREATOR behaved at the time He created the world.


In contrast, the ESSENCE of the CREATOR is above our human conception.

No word and no name can describe the ESSENCE.

Hence the Torah is telling us that “at the beginning,”

the CREATOR ascended on the Throne of JUDGMENT

to create the Heavens and the Earth.




On other occasions, later in the Torah,

He would sit on other Thrones, wear other “hats,

revealing other Attributes and Names of Him Self,

or,” or receive other Names, as needed for the moment.


In fact, that is what the Torah says in verse one.

that “at the beginning” He showed up as a JUDGE,

Implying that this was only at the beginning,

and that later on He would sit on other Thrones, acquiring  other Names,

such as a MERCIFUL Attribute, or El Shaddai,

referring to different modes of behavior, or ‘qualities’


Now, saying that ELHM created the world for a JUDGMENT,

we may wonder:   does the world have a mind?

Does the mosquito have a mind to stand a trial?

Does the Black Hole have a mind to stand a trial?


The answer is, that the terms of these trials are known to the CREATOR

and they are between Him and the creatures.

At least, we may say, the world and its creatures

must obey the  Laws of  Nature set up by ELHM.


We, humans, are also judged by obeying the natural laws,

like all other creatures.

But since we are blessed with a mind and Free Will,

our judgment by ELHM entails a moral component,

set up by the moral laws that He gave Adam in Eden,

and to Noah after the Flood, and to Moses and Israel at Mt. Sinai.

Foremost of those Laws is the IDOLATRY Commandment, as we’ve just seen.


Let’s note here that IDOLATRY by itself lacks a moral meaning.   

An idolater may be a nice guy, honest and peaceful,

and yet he or she is a sinner in the eyes of the JUDGE ELHM.

Being an idolater does not necessary carry a stigma of being immoral.


Yet, as we’ve said, transgressing IDOLATRY,

would most likely lead a person to slide down

along the other Noahide Commandments,


which are all moral in nature.


Hence IDOLATRY is a key, a burier against falling a prey

to the attraction of the other Noahide Commandments.


Another point: the good side of being judged by ELHM

is the notion that we are watched, that we are not alone.


The Angels, tradition says, record our deeds in the Heavenly “Book of Life,”

which are opened and read at the Heavenly Court session of our trial.


Our trial is conducted every day and every minute.  Yet once a year,

at the Annual Anniversary of CREATION, the Rosh Hashanah Holiday,

the CREATOR is said to ascend again on His Throne of JUDGMENT,

and all the creatures of the world pass by Him for Judgment,

as He looks at their record and decides their fate for the next Year.


On that awesome day, once a year, the Books of Life of each person,

opens up and read to the Heavenly Court,

so that our fate is decided for the next year.

A chance is then given to each person to repent, ask forgiveness

and hope for a better verdict.


Here is a quotation from Israel’s prayer book for Rosh Hashanah:


 Today is the birthday of the world, 

Today you ascend again on your Throne of Judgment 

when all the creatures of the world pass before your Throne 

as You examine each and every one of them

and dictates their fate for the next year…” 


As you see, these concepts are at the core of the Torah.

Now, what are the feature of ELHM’s JUDGMENT?

As it turns out, we can induct ELHM’s ways

from the story of CREATION in Chapter One,

as well as from watching nature.