Noahide Seven Commandments Torah classes

© 2020 by Rabbi Dr. Zvi Aviner


Introduction-2/ The Commandments’ through the Book of Genesis


Having discussed the Seven Commandments of Noah as a group, let’s discuss them one by one. As you recall, the first Six  were given to Adam and Eve in Eden. They are







VII: The Seventh, namely the Prohibition to Consume Blood and a Limb Torn From a Living Animal,  was given by God to Noah after the Flood as a part of the Rainbow Covenant, under which we still live today.


Outline of our course


To study these Laws, we take a journey through the Book of Genesis.  As it turns out, the Book leads us through the Commandments in their proper order as follows:

IDOLATRY introduced by Chapter One and the story of CREATION

ADULTERY and MARRIAGE are introduced by the Garden of Eden and the Primordial Sin

BLOODSHED is introduced by of Cain and Abel, Noah and the Flood.  The Laws of  MURDER are introduced in details by the Rainbow Covenant.

World’s Peace is introduced by the Tower of Babylon and King Nimrod’s Empire

THEFT and RIGHTEOUS OWNERSHIP and  ABDUCTION  are introduced by Abraham

JUSTICE and CIVIL ORDER are introduced by the stories about Jacob, Laban, Dinah

BLASPHEMY and HOLINESS are introduced by the story of Selling Joseph and the birth of the Children of Israel

In addition, no study of the Noahide Commandments is completed without the Prophet Bilaam, his Speaking She-Donkey and the idea of the  Messianic Era.

So let’s start.  What is IDOLATRY?



Following this platform would lead us to understand both the negative anf the positive sides of each Commandments. We’ll also derive from the stories the main applications to our modern times


The Torah is after all a guidance given by God to all Mankind for all generations, till the end of times.










2: The Commandments as Headlines