IDOLATRY-10/ELKM/ Adam trial at the End of Days
© 2018 by Rabbi Zvi Aviner
”Know your creator, know yourself, and know the difference”“
We’ve found Moses’ account of Adam’s creation compatible with our scientific knowledge. Adam is at least a Homo Sapience, a Smart Man. ELKM consulted the Six Days and made Adam, therefore Adam is the apex of the Evolution. Then He consulted His Wisdom and made Adam, planting in him a powerful mind that can decipher all the mysteries of the Universe.
But Moses continues to tell us about Adam things that Science would never tell – that Adam was created by the JUDGE ELKM for a trial. What exactly is that trial? If we don’t know that, what else could we know about the message of the Bible?
. 1: Moses’ description of Adam creation
So let’s read again the verses describing the creation of Adam:
”And ELKIM said Let the Earth bring forth living creatures to their kinds
Cattle, Creeping things and Beasts of the Earth to their kinds, and it was so
And ELKM saw that it was good.CREATING ADAM
“And ELKM said: Let Us Make an Adam in our Form and Our Image.BLESSING ADAM
“And ELKM blessed them saying:
They will have dominion over the Fish…over the Birds…over the Cattle… over the entire Earth…
Be fruitful and multiply, filled the Earth and conquer it…THE END OF THE SIXTH DAY’S JUDGMENT
And behold, it was VERY GOOD
And there was evening, and there was morning, the SIXTH DAY” (was over.)……………………(THE SABBATH BEGINS)……………………….
“And the Heavens and the Earth were FINISHED(Khalah)
And ELoKiM FINISHED all the Work that He has done,
And He ABSTAINED on the SEVENTH DAY from all the work that He had done
And ELoKiM blessed the Seventh Day and He sanctified it…..”
(Genesis 1-31; 2 1-3)
2: Adam’s Trial at the End of Days
Adam’s trial is given, as expected, at the end of our Day, where it says: (see above)
And behold, it was VERY GOOD
And there was evening, and there was morning, the SIXTH DAY” (was over.)
There are important differences between our Sixth Day’s trial and all other previous Days.
Whereas in the past Days ELKM judged just one Day at a time, at the end of our Sixth Day He will judge “Everything He had done,” meaning the entire Six Days from the very Beginning to that futuristic point in time.
Secondly, while in all previous Judgments ELKM was satisfied with a ‘good’ edict, at the End of our Sixth Day, the End of Time, He will be satisfied only with a Very Good verdict.
Hence at the End of our Sixth Day, ELKM will pass a ‘Comprehensive’ Judgment on the entire Six Floor Building, the entire CREATION, and decide whether or not He will allow it to survive and enter the next, Seventh Day, the so-called the Eternal Sabbath.
Note that our ‘human’ weekly Sabbath day is only a ‘taste’ of the coming ‘Seventh Day of CREATION,’ the Eternal Sabbath.
Seeking a Very Good verdict
Thus after the Midday trial of the Sixth Day, having said that it was good, ELKM tightened the yardstick by which He measures CREATION. Henceforth He would not be pleased anymore with a mere ‘good verdict but would only be satisfied by a Very Good verdict..
Since Adam is the only creature added, it would be up to Adam to achieve that goal and make CREATION, including Adam, seen Very Good in ELKM’s eyes. It would be up to Adam whether or not ELKM would allow CREATION to see the next Day. what a burden on Adam’s tiny shoulders!
ELKM, however, does not wait for the end of times. Every year, on the annual anniversary of Adam creation, ELKM ascends on His Throne of Justice and judges Adam, along with the entire CREATION, whether or not it has become Very Good. This is the Rosh Hashanah high Holiday.
3: The outcomes of the comprehensive trial
What are the possible outcomes of the End of Day’s trial?
The verdict can be either Very Good or Very Bad.
The verse suggests that
If ELKM finds CREATION, including Adam, Very Good, He would allow it to survive into the next Day, the Sabbath. .
If ELKM finds CREATION, including Adam, not Very Good, or just Good, Or Very Bad, ELKM would terminate it to nothingness, with wrath.
A hint for these outcomes is given in the verse itself that says:
“And ELKM saw everything that he had done
and it was Very Good.
And ELKM finished, khalah, all the work that He has done…”
(the Sixth Day is over)
“And ELKM finished”- It can simply mean that He ended his work, in peace. But “finish” can be read as ‘terminated with wrath’.
The Hebrew word for ‘finished,’ Va-Ye -khal can simply mean “ended,” or ‘khalah’ which infers “total consumption to nothingness.”
Hence Adam trial at the End of Days will have two optional outcomes: Either it has become Very Good and see the Sabbath, or become Very Bad and be ‘finished’ into nothingness.
Hence the notion that after the Midday trial of the Sixth Day, ELKM would have terminated the world to nothingness. He then decided to offer the world a chance to survive by creating Adam. Adam would have to elevate CREATION so that ELKM would see it Very Good. ELKM would then allow CREATION to enter the next Day, the Sabbath. But if Adam has failed to elevate CREATION in ELKM’s eyes, ELKM would finish everything to nothingness, as he had done to numerous other previous Universes.
How would Adam be deemed Very Good in ELKM’s eyes?
To be good, a creature must have met the following –
(1) Please ELKM
(2) Abide by ELKM’s laws of Nature
(3) Win ELKM’s Judgment
(4) Meet the Builder’s Master Plan
(5) be able to live in the next Day
(6) be able to support the next Day .
Thus to be Very Good, Adam should at least meet those demands. Only that in Adam’s case the next Day is the Sabbath. . .
What exactly should Adam do to meet these expectations?