Genesis-and-seven-laws-of –
IDOLATRY-18/Wisdom and Science as our Most Successful Idols
1: An inventory check
When ELKM spoke in plural before creating Adam, saying “Let Us Make Adam in Our Form and Our Image,” the verse does not elaborate with whom He was talking. The rabbis said that He was talking to anyone who was listening, anyone mentioned in the Chapter, either before or after making Adam.
This way, Adam would be made from things of the past and from the future. Adam would connect the past with the future. Adam would come from the past and walk towards the future, towards ELKM’s Bride: The Eternal Sabbath, or the Merciful YHVH Who Dwells in the Sabbath. .
Turning ‘backwards’ into the Chapter, so to speak, ELKM consulted the past Six Days and made Adam. This way Adam is a part or a summary of Nature, eligible to serve as its king. For a king must be elected from among his subjects (Deuteronomy). How else would he be able to consult them and listen to their plights?
A precious gift it was to Adam, but also an IDOLATRY trap. Adam would be tempted to worship items of the Six Days as his idols, as ELKM’s PARTNERS. It is as if the “consultations” has rendered Nature a magical charm in Adam’s mind and heart, tempting him to worship it. The Six Days would offer Adam False Brides. Our entire human history can be predicted by the IDOLATRY TRAPS set up by the Six Days.
2: ELKM consulted His Own Wisdom and Science
Today we’ll focus on another Consultation with the past.
Before creating Adam, as we’ve already learned, ELKM turned ‘backwards’ to the very Beginning and consulted the “Wisdom and Science by which He had created the Six Days.”
He consulted it as a Builder who consults his master plan, and made Adam’s mind accordingly.
This was a precious gift indeed. Adam is Homo sapience, Wise Man. Because of this Consultation, Adam’s mind can unravel all the mysteries of the Universe.
The first verse in Genesis Chapter One says, in Hebrew: “Be-re-shit, at the head of the events, ELKM created the Heavens and the Earth…”
Thus, ELKM looked ‘backwards’ to the “Head of the Events,” or His Head or the Wisdom and Science in His Head, by which He had Created the Universe. He consulted it and made Adam’s mind accordingly.
A precious gift it was, but also an IDOLATRY TRAP. Everything that ELKM creates is for His creature’s benefit but also for the creature’s trial. He provided us with a good mind necessary for our survival, but also necessary for our IDOLATRY TRIAL. He spoke in plural to teach us modesty, but also to open the door for the IDOLATRY trial. The idolaters would think that Wisdom and Science is a Partner of ELKM, or they would confuse it with our CREATOR.
It is as if the Consultation in plural voice, has rendered Wisdom and Science a magical charm in Adam mind and heart. So much, that Adam is forever tempted to adore it and worship it, instead of adorning and worshiping the true CREATOR.
Moreover, since Wisdom and Science is bound to be increasingly more successful, enriching and prolonging our lives, its magical status in our mind would also increase.
Science is a successful idol because it is predicated on success. A good success of research in the lab, would create more technology, which in turn would lead to more research and more technology. This way Wisdom and Science grows in a pyramidal fashion whose base always increases. (later we’ll see that Noah’s Ark was built as a pyramidal structure for precisely that purpose, teaching us to use Science to save ourselves.)
Of course, people won’t worship Science and Wisdom by offering to it animal sacrifices, or by singing hymns in its praise. But people worship it by thinking that it can solve all our problems. It helps us to cure diseases, prolong our lives, and connect to each other.
Yet as successful as Science can be, we should remember it is shorthand. Have we not recently seen how Science was used by Nazi Germany to execute its vicious evilness?
Yes, we should never forget that Wisdom and Science is just a tool!
What else did ELKM consult?
3: Our Self, our Sweetest Idol
ELKM consulted His Self to make Adam’s self. Our Self consciousness is divine. Unlike the ants and the bees we have not only a communal’ self’ but rather individual self. it drives us to impact our surrounding, to make a name for ourselves, to be esteemed. It is a precious gift from ELKM, but also an IDOLATRY trap for our trial. .
So important our Ego would be in our eyes, that we would forever tempted to worship ourselves. This is why ELKM consulted His Angels to show Adam how to rule with MODESTY. You can say that our ego is our sweetest idol.
YHVH and modesty
ELKM descended from His High role as a tyrant and consulted with Modesty, to accommodate Himself to His Bride YHVH who hates haughtiness. it is said that YHVH is so modest that She can’t be in the same room with an arrogant person. Moses merited his prophecy because he was the modest of al peoples. .
Arrogance leads to IDOLATRY and ADULTERY
An arrogant person is one who worships his self; thereby transgressing IDOLATRY.
They say about an arrogant person that “Heavens make him stumble over ADULTERY with his best fiend’s wife.”
This if you see a politician stumbling over ADULTERY take this as an omen that this person is guilty of worshiping himself! It is as if by failing IDOLATRY he has also stumbled over the next Commandment: ADULTERY.
The Mirror Test of the prophets
When ELKM said “Let Us Make an Adam in Our Form and Our Image,” He set in front of a Mirror and saw His Image in that Mirror, He then created Adam as His Image on the “other side” of the Mirror.
And ever since then, the CREATOR sits on His Side of the Mirror, while we humans are on our side of the Mirror, in our World.
So, whenever we aspire to peek at Him through the Mirror, all we see is our own image being reflected back at us from it. . The stronger our ego is, the thicker our image in the Mirror is.
An arrogant person with inflated ego might hear inspiring words from the Mirror, thinking that God is speaking to him. But in fact all he sees or hears is his own thoughts being reflected by the Mirror. In short, his prophecy is false.
Only a modest person, like Moses, could see through the mirror to the other side.
4: Passions and Desires as our powerful idols
Having consulted the Angles, the Six Days, and with His wisdom and Science, ELKM turned to things mentioned in the rest of Chapter One, even after creating Adam. These items would propel Adam forwards. Thus, He turned to PASSIONS AND DESIRES and said:
He consulted them like a BUILDER consulting his master plan and made Adam accordingly. Adam would be driven forwards by strong PASSIONS AND DESIRES to procreate and rule over. It is a gift from ELKM, but also an IDOLATRY TRAP.
Who is stronger, :
The Desire to procreate,
or the Desire to rule over, gain power ?
You see the answer in the verse that says:
“ELoKiM blessed them saying: be fruitful and multiply,
conquer the earth and rule over….”
The stronger blessing is placed up front. Like a strong horse that is placed at the front of a carriage,
Thu the Drive to Rule Over is more powerful than our Drive to multiply and have sex!.
Hence according to Moses, Professor Young prevails over Sigmund Freud. Seeking power drives Man more than sex!
Some more words about PASSIONS AND DESIRES.
Powerful Drives they are, for our benefits, yet also powerful IDOLATRY TRAPS. Moses warns us that Adam would be tempted to surrender his life to these idols rather than to the true G-d.