Noahide Seven Commandments Torah classes
A last wish that can’t be denied
I sat by his bed hesitantly, but he ignored me. Yet he needed my help the Demon Naama had just inferred by her dancing. I cleared my throat. “Hello,” I said softly.
Still looking away, he nodded acknowledgement; the first time ever.
“Tubal, I wish to thank you for what you did for me. You didn’t have to push me away from that falling beam, risking yourself…”
Slowly he turned his face to me. “What did you say?” His face twisted in pains as he spoke.
“You did not have to risk yourself for me,” I repeated.
“My father meant to kill me, not you,” he said.
“It was my fault. I shouldn’t mention my father’s name, Lemech, to him. It confused him.”
A long silence descended on us. One can’t change the past.
“Can I do something for you?” I broke the silence. “I would do anything for you.”
“Anything?” He raised his head from the pillow and starred at me. “Did you say anything?”
“Yes, anything.”
“Raise your hand,” he said, “and say after me: I, Noah the son of Lemech, the grandson of Enosh, hereby swear in the name of ELoHiM to do anything that Tubal Cain asks me to do.”
Here he was — the infamous gang leader. I raised my right hand and made the pledge the way he asked, sincerely. Then he relaxed on his pillow, his eyes sparkling with relief.
“Now listen,” he said clearly, yet each word an effort. “Go to my personal shop…I’ll tell you where… and get me a dagger…the sharpest one you can find…and don’t tell this to anyone.”
“Why do you need a dagger?”
“Just bring it to me. I’ll tell you exactly where to find it. You owe it to me. You gave me your pledge.”
“But why a dagger?” I repeated, though I knew in my heart what he was thinking and wanted no part of it.
“Will you get it for me?” he begged. “You promised!”
“ELoHiM forbids suicide,” I said. “It’s part of the BLOODSHED laws given to Adam in Eden.”
Editor: As ELoHiM told Noah in the Rainbow Covenant: “Your blood which belongs to your soul I will demand” (Genesis 8: 5)
“Don’t worry about ELoHiM,” Tubal said. “He’ll be more than happy to see me die. I deserve it, Noah. I’ve done horrible things—things you can’t even imagine. Just do as I ask. ELoHiM will bless you for it.”
“I can’t,” I said. “YHVH too hates killing.”
His eyes pierced mine. “Don’t play games with me. You come from Seth, who call in YHVH’S name (Genesis 4: 26). YHVH hates evildoers, and I’m the worst among them. YHVH and ELoHiM will both be happy to see me gone,” he said bitterly. “Don’t hesitate. Bring me my dagger, I beg you…”
“You’ve given your life for me. You’re not evil, Tubal. YHVH can’t hate you.”
“Then go away.” he turned aside.
I hesitated. “Go away,” he whispered.
I backed away slowly, as if leaving a holy site, and left the room. I can’t tell how, but the moment I exited his attendants came back. Where they part of a plot? I should be careful!
Who was the Serpent? Who was Lilith?
The Serpent of Eden was a cunning ‘beast of the field,’ a smart creature which walked naked, unashamed. It was a putative creature ‘formed’ in a virtual Garden for Adam’s trial. It walked on two legs, talked intelligently and was sexually attractive to the ‘woman.’ As a beast, though, it lacked awareness of YHVH. No beast can perceive MERCY. It shows in the way it spoke: it mentioned ELoHiM only, never YHVH.
Who or what was it? For this you need to see the story of CREATION. The last creature created before Adam was the Crawling ones. They were the last to rule Earth. Had ELoHiM continued to create as before, without consulting YHVH, He would have created a sophisticated, intelligent Serpent that would have known ELoHiM but not YHVH. Imagine a spider that would turn into a smart creature aware of science. Would it know YHVH? Never! This intelligent Serpent which knew ELoHiM was ‘formed’ in Eden, on the THIRD Day, to test there the virtual Adam. I say virtual Adam, since the real Adam and Eve were MADE on Earth later on the Sixth Day.*
The female counterpart of the Serpent was the (putative) Demon Lilith. While the Woman sinned with the male Serpent, Adam sinned with beautiful Lilith. Both the Serpent and Lilith acted as a vehicle for Satan, who is our adversary in the Heavenly Court. Both enticed the humans to violate IDOLATRY and ADULTERY, the only two sins that the humans could possible transgressed in Eden, as follows:
They could NOT KILL in Eden, while living under the Tree of Life.
They could NOT STEAL in Eden, where there was no private ownership.
They could NOT commit INJUSTICE in Eden, where there was no society.
Would they commit BLASPHEMY in Eden, living so close to the CREATOR?
But they could, and did, commit
IDOLATRY by not listening to the CREATOR’s order or advise,
ADULTERY, by Eve cohabiting with the Serpent; Adam with Lilith.*
In Eden, the Serpent and Lilith had a relatively easy task: to entice the humans into violating only two of the Six Commandments.
On Earth the Serpent and Lilith have had much harder task: to entice Mankind into violating the entire Six Commandments of Adam. It is a harder task to achieve, but with a greater reward: for the humans now would lose not only Eden, but rather the entire real world!*
Finding a dagger
Should I succumb to Tubal’s wish? Didn’t I pledge to help him? How could I ignore the plea of the person who had saved my life? So I went out to look for his workshop. People helped me to find it. The workshop was still full of piles of shiny armors. Here Tubal had found his strong metal from which he fabricated his strong weapons. This was the place that made the Children of ELoHiM so militarily powerful. I searched through the stacks of weapons and finally found an exquisitely sharp knife hidden in a drawer. It was a masterpiece, a meticulous metal death tool, bearing Tubal’s personal emblem. This might well have been the dagger he was thinking about.
What should I do with it? I stuck it into the hard, stony ground, wishing to bury it. To my surprise, it penetrated the rock easily, without bending. I pulled it forwards effortlessly through the dirt, making a long trench. An idea flashed in my mind: I could use it to make a metal plough — a strong metal plough, the first of its kind.
Had not my parents given me the name Noah, wishing that “this child shall comfort us from the work of our hands”? Had not they hoped that I would ease the lot of the farmers? (Genesis 5: 29)
I would take Tubal’s death tool—an Evil in YHVH’S eyes—and convert it into a tool for life. I would overcome evil by using the very tool of Evil. I would convert the tool of death to a tool for life. Oh, my grandpa would surely be so proud of me!
Read also: “Genesis Vs Science, Can they Match?” By Zvi Aviner, at