Noah’s Tree Of Life/YHVH-1/Walk my Groom towards your Bride

Noahide Seven Commandments Torah classes

© 2014 by Rabbi Zvi Aviner

Noah’s Tree Of Life

These are Noah’s words to his children after the Flood…

YHVH-1/Walk my Groom Towards Your Bride

The Groom who walks towards His Bride
My thirteenth birthday was grandiose. Enosh invited not only my closest friends but also many dignitaries from the Four Corners of the Earth. I suppose he wished to introduce me to everyone as his potential heir. When the celebration was over, he called me to his study room. I expected him to deliver to me the customary moral messages for this important birthday, as I enter manhood. I was wrong. Smiling, he said: “Noah, now that you are thirteen, you’ve become eligible to marry and produce a new generation. I’ve already received several offers from fathers of potential brides. Girls are looking at you. We need to search and find the proper wife for you.”
I wasn’t surprised, since that was our custom to engage girls and boys at age thirteen, and consummate their marriage later at seventeen. During these several years of engagement the couple learns to appreciate each other’s presence and long for the day they would live together as husband and wife.
“Grandpa, why should we search for her? Why shouldn’t she search for me?”
“Well, ELoKiM did the same. Before making Adam, He sought a BRIDE…”
I burst in laughter. “Who is ELoHiM’s BRIDE? He is not human!”
Ignoring my laughter he said, “In fact, ELoHiM was looking for a BRIDES to make Adam. He told Her, ‘let us make an Adam in our form and our image.’ (Genesis 1:26) He walked towards Her, asking Her, not the other way around.”
“Who is She, ELoHiM’s BRIDE?”
“She is the Attribute of MERCY.”
“What is Her Name? Where does She dwell?” I had so many questions. My grandpa, however, said: “Adam wrote about Her on the Tree of Life. Let’s read it and you’d find an answer to your questions.”
For the next months we studied about the Attribute of MERCY. As it turned out, these months became pivotal in my life. I met Tubal Cain under unusual circumstances; then I met your mother Naama under even more unusual circumstances. It was as if the Tree of Life exerted its magic to affect my world as we read it. I have the feeling that whoever reads the text on the Tree of Life, his own life would change too for the best.
Here is an extract of what my grandpa Enosh told me about YHVH and Adam creation:


The Sixth Day’s premature, midday Judgment
Enosh said, “Adam was created on a particular Day, at a particular time of the Day, under particular circumstances to solve a specific problem. Let’s therefore pay the utmost attention to Adam’s words:

When the Sixth Day of CREATION dawned, ELoHiM continued His work as on all the previous Days. He created Cattle, Beasts and Everything that crawls on the ground. Then, while the sun was still up in the sky, ELoHiM judged all the creatures He had created earlier on that Day, as it says—
“And ELoHiM saw that it was good…”
(Genesis 1: 25)
His Judgment was harsh yet just. All the creatures that He deemed ‘not good’ anymore were eliminated. Those who He deemed ‘good’ continued to live into the rest of the Sixth Day.


The End of the Day’s trial
Having heard the ‘good’ verdict, the watching Angles relaxed. They thought that ELoHiM would proceed to create as before. How alarmed they became when they noticed that ELoHiM had lifted up His Sword over CREATION higher than ever before! Moreover, He was threatening to terminate, at the end of the Sixth Day, not only the passing Day but, rather, the entire CREATION!
You can see that on the Tree of Life. At the end of the Sixth Day it says:
“And ELoHiM saw everything that He had done and behold, it was Very Good!” (Genesis 1: 31)

What a change it was! While previously He judged only one Day at a time, the passing Floor; at the end of the Sixth Day He would judge the Entire Six Days, the entire Six Floor Building!
Moreover, while in the past ELoHiM was satisfied with a ‘Good’ verdict, henceforth He would seek a Very Good verdict! In other worlds, approaching the end of the Sixth Day He raised the yardstick by which He measures the world, seeking perfection.

ELoHiM would ‘finish’ the world with wrath
“What would happen to the World if ELoHiM would NOT find it Very Good?” The Angels asked.
“He would then ‘finish’ it, terminate it with wrath so that it would return to nothingness, kahla,” the Angel Gabriel said.
You can see that too on the Tree of Life. At the end of the Sixth Day it says:
“And ELoHiM finished His work that He had done.”
(Genesis 2:2)
The word ‘finished’, khala, can be read as ‘be consumed to nothingness,’ as a person who says to another one, ‘I will finish you!’
The worried Angles asked, “Is this a real threat? Has such a bad outcome ever occurred before?” They worried, since they too are part of CREATION, having been ‘formed’ on the Second Day. If ELoHiM decides to terminate CREATION, they would be terminated too!
“ELoHiM has done that before. He has created numerous other Universes before ours, and when He was not Very Satisfied with them He ‘finished’ them to nothingness, khala,“ the Angel Gabriel said.
The Eternal Sabbath
“What would happen to the World, if ELoHiM deems it Very Good?” The Angles asked.
“He would allow the World to enter the Eternal Sabbath,” The Angel Gabriel said.
“What would He do then?”
“ELoHiM would CEASE His work, CEASE to create, CEASE to judge and allow the World to enjoy the warms of the Attribute of MERCY who rules over the Eternal Sabbath,” the Angel Gabriel said.
“What is the Eternal Sabbath?” The Angles wondered. They had never heard of it, having been born and confined to our World.
“The Eternal Sabbath is the Queen of the Days,” the Angel Gabriel said. “It is a Day void of Judgments; void of trials and tribulations. It is a Day full of Love and Holiness…”
“How would the World look on the Eternal Sabbath?”
“It would cease to be the same World. There would be no death but also no birth. It is a World full of happiness…”

Who rests on the Sabbath?
Enosh explained: “The word Sabbath means ‘He actively ceased doing.’ It does not mean ‘He rested.’ ELoHiM never rests, even on the Sabbath. He only CEASES His work, CEASES to create and CEASES to JUDGE.”
“Who then rest on the Sabbath?” I asked.
“Only the Attribute of MERCY rests on the Sabbath, as we’ll soon learn.
“But we have a weekly Sabbath!”
“Our Sabbath is only a taste for the Eternal Sabbath,” Enosh said.
Editor: While ELoHiM ceases His Work and judgment on the Sabbath, the Attributes of MERCY rests in it, as it says in the Ten Commandments: “And He (YHVH) rested on the Seventh Day,” (Exodus 20: 11.)

He ‘Longs’ to meet His BRIDE
“Does CREATION have a chance to win its ‘end of the days’ Trial? What could elevate it to be Very Good in ELoHiM’s eyes?” The worried Angles asked.
“Look there!” the Angel Gabriel said. As it spoke, a new look appeared in ELoHiM’s eyes—a look of Longing and Love, much like the longing of a GROOM for his beloved BRIDE, khala, or of a KING for His beloved QUEEN. This longing, they felt, offered CREATION a chance to survive the harsh scrutiny and enter the next, Seventh Day.
“Who is His beloved BRIDE, the khala?” The Angels wondered with awe.


The double meaning of khala
Enosh said, “And He finished all His work…” Note that the word ‘finished,’ khala, refers to two opposite meaning: ‘consumed to nothingness’ and a ‘bride who consumes your heart with love.’ ELoHiM posted two opposite outcomes for the world: Either it would accommodate His BRIDE, or He would ‘consume the World to nothingness.’ Yes, Love and Jealousy came to the world bound together.


The meaning of the acronym YHVH
The Angel Gabriel answered: “His BRIDE is the Attribute of MERCY, who dwells in the Eternal Sabbath,”
“What is Her Name?”
“Her Name is Y-H-V-H, a beautiful acronym for “He was, He is, He will be,” the Angel Gabriel said. He pronounced YHVH letter-by-letter, without placing vowels between the consonants. Here is the acronym:
He was – HaYaH,
He isHoVeH,
He will be – YeHyeh,


Read also: Genesis Vs. Science, Can they Match?” By Zvi Aviner, at
To be continued