Rabbi Dr Zvi Aviner
Nov 2021
IDOLATRY-8/ELHM’s Concessions Towards Adam
ELHM as a Dictator
Since Moses words about the Six Days are credible, matching Science,
So must his words about making Adam be true.
After all, Moses’ goal is to tell us about ourselves
And how to overcome IDOLATRY
Moses says, about the creation of Adam, that
When the 6th Day of CREATION dawned, i
t seemed like any other Day,
and ELHM continued to create, like ever before
giving orders, that no one rejected.
ELHM said “let there be Cattle,”
and the giant Cattle-like creatures of Pangea came to life.
ELHM said “let there be Beasts,”
and they came on board, including the giant Dinosaurs
ELHM said let there be social creatures crawling,
like Ants, Bees, even snakes, and they came and ruled the Earth
Midday Trial
Then, at the Middle of the Sixth Day,
while the Day was still in progress,
ELHM passed a premature Judgment
on the creatures He had just created.
Such a Midday Trial is unusual and it had happened only once before
at the middle of the 3rd Day.
Then, before seeding Life on Earth,
ELHM passes a judgment.
Earth stood on a crossroad –
would it see Life on it, or not?
Luckily for us, ELHM said that it was good,
and He seeded life on Earth.
Then again, at the Middle of the 6th Day, before making Adam,
ELHM passed a pre-mature judgment-
would Earth see Man, or not?
The ‘problem’ was, Moses says, that
Adam, equipped with Free Will,
would not be able to live long under
such harsh, meticulous Dictatorship
of ELHM, Gevurah. Adam would sin,
and be decimated with NO MERCY.
Moreover, Adam would not be able to live
Side by side the giant creatures of Pangea.
That should be changed!
ELHM therefore made
Three concessions towards Adam
Once ELHM had decided to bring Adam on Earth
He made the following three concessions
Towards Adam
First, as we know, whenever ELHM said that it was good,
He decimated whatever was “not good” in His eyes.
Thus, at the Midday Trial of the Sixth Day,
When He finally said that it was good,
He allowed those who could support the rest of the Day, to survive.
Whereas those creatures who could not support the rest of the Day,
who could not live by Adam’s side, He decimated ritht then and there
with No MERCY
This Midday Judgment can fit the meteoric catastrophe
that hit Earth 70 M years ago and wiped out
all the giant creatures of Pangea
It was a devastating catastrophe, yet it opened the door
for the remaining smaller creatures like mammals
to survive, proliferate and grow, leading up to Man
The Second concession that ELHM made towards Adam
was to change the way He rules.
Knowing that Adam would not survive His harsh scrutiny,
He decided to “soften” His rule.
Thus, instead to giving a command “Let there be Adam!”
He spoke in plural, saying
“Let Us Make an Adam in Our Form and Our Image”
His tone was different than ever before.
He consulted someone, inviting someone(s)
To join Him in making Adam.
He was a Dictator no more.
In other words, as a concession to Adam,
ELHM descended from His High Pedestal as
a Supreme JUDGRE, as a Dictator, and spoke in plural
as a KING Who Consults His Councilors
as a ‘Democratic’ King
Henceforth, He would tolerate opposition.
He would listen to opinions of others.
Adam, with his Free Will, would be able to live
under such a Democratic KING,
without suffering immediate consequences of his sins.
The third concession towards Adam that ELHM made
Was even greater than before.
To farther increase Adam’s chances to win his trial
ELHM turned to another Attribute of the Infinite CREATOR,
to the Attribute of Hessed, Mercy and Compassion, called Y H V H
and invited Her to join Him in sharing the world
and in the making of Adam.
Y H V H is an Acronym that stands in Hebrew for
“He is He was and He will be.”
It should be read as an Acronym, letter by letter
As you read CBS, NBC.
Y H V H is the Attribute that dwells and reigns over
the Sabbath Day, the next Day of CREATION.
When ELHM will enter the Sabbath, and abstain from creating,
Y H V H would reign alone.
The advent of Y H V H in the Heavenly Court
would sweeten ELHM’s verdictsM and offer Adam
a chance to repent, ask forgiveness, and start all over again,
so that Adam might win his trial.
Inviting YHVH to the Heavenly Court
ELHM turned to YHVH and asked Her- so to speak –
Would you come over into my world
and share with me the Heavenly Court?
Here, ELHM made a major concession towards Adam,
Farther relinquishing His Sole Power,
Offering to sharing it with another awesome power –
another Attribute of the Infinite, he Attribute of MERCY.
They say that YHVH entered our world from the Sabbath,
like a thin Ray of Light, a Shy Dove, or a beautiful Cherub
Entering our World, our Sixth Day, She observed it, scrutinized it,
as a Bride entering her Broom’s home for the first time, wondering
would She be comfortable here? Could She live here?
You can see that in the text. At the End of the Sixth Day,
the Acronym YHVH penetrates our world from the Sabbath,
part of it – YH – is in the Sixth Day, the VH is still in the Sabbat
And ELoHiM made the animals…cattle…and everything creeping
And ELoHiM saw that is was good…
And ELoHim said let us make Adam
in our form and our image…
And ELoHiM blessed them saying be fruitful and multiply…
And EloHiM said behold, I have given you all the grass…
And ELoHiM saw everything that He had done and behold, it was
Very good (Tov Meod) And it was evening, and it was morning,
Y om (Day)
H a Shishi, (Sixth) (Genesis 1:31)
………………………… The Sabbath Day ………………………………………
V aYechulu (and they ended)
H aShamyim (the Heaves)And the Earth, VeHaaretz, and all their hosts,
And ELoHiM finished all the work he had done,
And ELoHiM finished on the Seventh Day His work which He had done,
And He abstained on the Seventh Day from all His work which He had done
And ELKM blessed the….
No one was there, to record their conversation
but their dialogue must have been as follow
YHVH said to ELHM, so to speak –
How can I share the world with you,
where I see no one who could know me?
Where there is no place to rest my Wing?
Note, that YHVH seeks to REST in our world.
Indeed, She was right.
There is no creature in Nature who knows MERCY.
Yes, there is an iota sense of compassion
In mothers towards their offspring,
but only as a limited reflex, to save the species
ELHM then said to Her –
Let Us Make and Adam in Our Form and Our Image.
Adam would be able to know You and Me
In His heart you could dwell,
If he lets you in.
I will make him like me, and in his heart
I will carve out a room ready for you
to enter and dwell and rest,
if he invites you and allow you inside.
ELHM would not plant MERCY in our heart, as a natural reflex,
Since MERCY is none of His features.
But ELHM would prepare our heart to have MERCY in it,
pending on our Free Will.
Like a Groom preparing His Home for the BRIDE to dwell in,
So did ELHM prepare our heart to host YHVH in it.
ELHM would inform Adam that he should invite and host
the Merciful YHVH in his heart,
Unless She escapes back to the Sabbath,
and would not defend us anymore in the Heavenly Court
YHVH agreed
and the two Attributes, like two cherubs,
flew over CREATION, wing holding Wing,
and together they consolidated the world
by their Oneness. As it is said
On the Day that YHVH ELHM
re-created Earth and Heavens (Genesis 2: 2)
Here YHVH appears side by side with ELHM
As two Cherubs “In Love.”
Henceforth the world would proceed safely to the sabbath
And ot would not falter
You see that in the Psalm song
That the Levite Choir chanted every Friday
Before the Sabbath
YHVH has garbed Himself with grandeur…
The World was consolidated,
It would not falter…
We sing it too, as the Six day of the week
enters our Sabbath
So, what is Adam’s Trial?
On that we’ll learn next class
This will be our child Adam’s task.
ELHM said
I shall inform him that as long he keeps you in his heart, you’d share with me the Heavenly Court. Your presence would protect him and allow him to proceed towards the next Day.
And I would assure him that keeping You in in his heart, would make him seen as Very Good in my eyes.
For this would allow my world to proceed towards the Sabbath,
And I would warn him that if he has failed,
You would fly away from the Heavenly Court,
leaving him under my sole scrutiny.
I would then deem him Very Bad,
and eliminate him with the entire Building to nothingness.
As I have done to numerous other Universes before