Rabbi Dr Zvi Aviner
Jan 2022
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Separating YHVH from ELHM
There are many sorts of IDOLATRY,
but foremost of them is the tendency of Mankind
to separate the Attributes.
When ELHM consulted in plural voice
with “whoever is mentioned in Chapter One,”
He gave Adam precious gifts,
but has also opened up a source for possible IDOLATRY.
So , like a CEO building a robot,
wishing to plant in it a goal, a direction,
So did ELHM consult YHVH,
giving Adam direction of history
towards the Sabbath.
This was enormously important gift to Adam
enriching Adam’s life, filling him with Joy,
offering him the option to repent, ask forgiveness and start all over again
But it also opened the door for IDOLATORS to THINK
that since ELHM spoke in plural, then
Each Attribute stands alone, and may be
worshipped separately, thereby breaching
Besides the error of thinking, the consultation
opened up a passion for worship YHVH or ELHM
preferring one over the other.
iIt is as if the consultation itself has rendered each Attribute
a magical power in Adam’s heart and mind,
So that he would be iFOREVER attracted
to worship each one separately
thereby violating YHVH ELHM Oneness
Examples? Here is one –
1. In Noah time
Humanity Split Along the Attributes.
In Noah’s time, humanity split into two rival camps
Each camp stood at the throat of the other.
The Children of ELHM’s Camp
Worshiping ELHM Alone
Half of humanity, the infamous descendants of Cain,
attempting to atone for their forefather’s sin of murdering Abel,
took upon themselves to follow ELHM’s Laws in strict ways
punishing sinners harshly, with no MERCCY
Thus, for instance,
they cut thieves’ hands, and stoned adulterers
in the public arena with no COMPASSION or FORGIVENESS.
In short- they disregarded the Merciful YHVH altogether
giving them the name “Children of ELHM” (Genesis 6:4)
There is much charm in dedicating your life to ELHM
being perceived righteous and pious,
but in fact, they violated YHVH ELHM’S Oneness.
tantamount to IDOLATRY.
No wonder that their type of IDOLATRY, sticking only to ELHM’s ways,
rendered them extremely cruel and indifferent to people’s plights.
And when they became rich and powerful,
thanks to Tubal Cain’s military inventions (Genesis 4: 22) o
they corrupted badly, abducting women married or not (Genesis 6: 2) – ADULTERY
murdering people – BLOODSHED (Genesis 4: 23) 0
mugging, and robbing in Sunlight – THEFT (Genesis 6: 10, Rashi) 0
Enosh’s Disciples’ Camp
Worshipping MERCY Alone
The other camp in Noah’s generation comprised of Enosh’s disciples.
It is said that Enosh, Adam’s grandson ‘called’ or prayed only
to the Merciful YHVH (Genesis 4: 26) 0
Forgetting about ELHM altogether.
Enosh fiery sermons preached his audience to prepare
for the coming of the Kingdom of the Merciful YHVH, the Eternal Sabbath,
where the Laws of ELHM would be abrogated
Enosh was probably the greatest orator Mankind has ever had or will have.
His words captured the people’s mind and heart
leading them to pray to YHVH with passion and ecstasy,
drawing then to cling to YHVH only.
And when Adam’s grandson spoke, who wouldn’t listen?
It seemed a great, pious movement,
yet soon his disciples allowed themselves to sin,
assuming that they would be forgiven by the Merciful YHVH.
First, they committed small sins, then they deteriorated
to commit rape, murder and steal with no fear of ELHM ’s retributions.
Thus the two camps, the worshippers of YHVH and the worshippers of ELHM
each started seemingly pious, yet violating IDOLATRY
then sliding on the slippery slop to violate all the Commandments
one by one, culminating with the Flood
The two camps also fought each other to the dearth.
So much, that they banned mixed marriages between them
Noah came from Enosh’ line, trained to worship YHVH only
His beloved wife, Naama, came from Cain’s line, trained to worship ELHM only
their marriage was forbidden, yet their love overcame the ban
and they marred each other
Implementing “YHVH ELHM Oneness” in their marriage and love,
therefore they were saved
After the Flood, Noah refused to procreate and start civilization again
fearing that the tendency of Mankind to Separate the Attributes
Is deeply inherent in our psyche, since the making of Adam.
If so, he thought in despair, his own children and their descendants
would surely be tempted again to err and separate the Attributes,
which would end up with ADULTERY, BLOODSHED and THEFT,
thereby causing the Heavenly Court of YHVH ELHM to bring
the Flood again. Why then should he procreate? (Midrash)
It was the new Rainbow Covenant
In which G-d promised Noah to be more tolerant,
that influenced Noah to start civilization again.
Noah knew that his descendants would be challenged again
by the tendency to split the Attributes,
But he knew that this would take some time.
In our day,
We have Already Repeated the Same Error
Today, just a few thousands of years after Noah,
his fears came true.
Our civilization has already been divided between
those who worship Allah (ELHM) only,
following His Harsh Ways avidly, with no MERCY
cutting heads, raping and stealing, in His Name
And those who worship MERCY, saying that ELHM’s Laws
Are abrogated. They too ended with terrible BLOODSHED
The world has never seen before.
And as in Noah’s time, both camps are at each other throat,
threatening to end our civilization, this time
with a Flood of fire, atomic Fire.
And like in Noah time,
Only a small group of Israel and their follower the Noahides
still believe in YHVH ELHM Oneness
Let’s pray that Noah’s Children would prevail
and the Ocean would stop rising
And the Ferocious Winds we see would stop
And that humanity would proceed forwards
To the Eternal Sabbath peacefully and successfully