Rabbi  Dr Zvi Aviner | Jan 13, 2022

© 2022 by Rabbi Dr. Zvi Aviner




ADULTERY-2/ What is Sin?


Know your CREATOR, know yourself and know the difference



1  Primordial Sin


We’ve seen how credible is Moses

Telling us about the Six Days Creation

That can be matched with our Science


How credible is he when telling us

About the creation of Adam,

How our body repeats the entire Evolution

How our body is made layer by layer,


Comprised of a powerful mind that

Can understand Nature, how our

Heart can appreciate Art and compose Art

How we have a Free Will and a powerful SELF

And powerful Sex Drive and a Drive to wield Power,


In short, how precisely he describes our body and mind

In terms that can be easily understood by our generation


And he wrote all that, at the time when all other Nations

Were telling mythical stories about CREATION

And about Adam, that can’t be matched with Scein


Then, having established his credibility in our eyes

Moses introduces the story of Eden that can’t be

Supported by Sceince

As if he is saying to us: Now that you believe

In the truthfulness of my words, listen to the

Rest of my message: about ELHM, YHVH,

And the Story of Eden


These concepts can’t be tested or proven by Science.

They belong to the realm of Morality, a spiritual realm

That is real nevertheless.

You can’t find Eden by Archeology or Geology,

But my message here is no less truthful

than my words about Genesis


Thus, we should look at Genesis as an introduction

To the rest of the Torah.


How amazing it is that the next step after Genesis

Moses introduces the concept of the Primordial Sin

Which is the prototype of all sins.


As if he is saying: now before I am telling you the Torah

Lets’ understand what Sin is!


With that in mind, let’s continue talking about Eden



2  Eden was FORMED on the THIRD Day

Adam was CREATED on Earth on the Sixth Day



The Talmud says that according to the text,

The Garden of Eden was FORMED on the THIRD DAY

Before seeding life on Earth,

On a Day that there was no rain on Earth,

No grass and no tree. This could ONLY be the THIRD DAY

Before seeding any life on earth


So while Earth lacked any tree or grass,

Eden was full of Trees and grass, even animals.

Hence it was a Virtual Garden, a FORMED Garden,

“Hanging” over real Earth


The Garden stretched over the entire Six Days

Till the Sixth Day” afternoon,” when YHVH ELHM

Were about to create Adam


But  before making Adam on real Earth,

YHVH ELHM decided to offer Adam

A life in Eden, sparring him the agony

Of life on real Earth.


Hence they (He, in Oneness) formed Adam

And placed him in Eden, to see whether or not

he would arrive at the Sabbath directly from Eden,

without ever living on real Earth.



3  A minimal trial in Eden



In Eden, Adam would still have to withstand

a trial In ELHM’s eyes.

For that, He would be taught what sin is

Eden is, therefore, the place of the Primordial Sin,

The prototype of all sins,

A proper introduction to the Torah


For his trial in Eden, Adam would be given a simple Commandment:

“Do Not Eat from the Tree of Knowledge Good and Evil.”

It is an easy trial, just one Commandment to observe!


If Adam complies, he would be deemed Very Good

in both ELHM’s Eyes and in YHVH’s eyes.

In short, in YHVH ELHM’s eyes.


If Adam fails, he would lose Eden,

And be CREATED on the Sixth Day on real Earth

where he would be is exposed to the “Angel of  Death.”


It sounds an easy task:  For to win, Adam would have to comply

with just one Commandment. But the stakes are high!

For   transgressing just one Commandment

would incur very bad consequences.


Here we have arrived at the notion that

The more Commandments G-d gives us,

the more we are protected from failure




4 Two Trees – Two Values



What is Adam’s spiritual Level?

What did he know,

And what couldn’t he know in Eden?


For that, let’s see the special Trees in the Garden


There were many trees in the Garden,  as it says:

“And YHVH ELHM caused to sprout from the ground

Every tree that was pleasing to the sight and good for food

Also, the Tree of Life in the midst of the Garden

And the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.” (Genesis 2: 9


Among the many Trees, two stood out:

The Tree of Life,

The Tree of Knowledge Good and Evil


What aspects of G-d’s Judgement  did they represent?




5 Tree of Life: ELHM’s Perspectives




Since life in Eden under The Tree of Life

Knew  neither Death nor Birth,

And since ELHM is in charge of Death and Birth,


It comes out that Adam in Eden lacked

an important perception of ELHM’s Power

as the Master of Death and Birth


But Adam knew, even before eating the Fruit,

to distinguish Right from Wrong, Truth from Lie, 

which are also aspects of ELHM’s Judgment;

Otherwise, he wouldn’t be put on a trial!


Truth, after all, is the hallmark of ELHM’s judgment

His Signature is Truth, emeth

His Nickname if the Absolute Truth.


Therefore, Adam knew

That lying is wrong, that he should only tell the Truth.

That being a liar would make him look Very Bad

in ELHM’s eyes, thereby  failing his trial


In short, Adam in Eden knew well the difference between

Sinner and a Righteous, seen in ELHM’s eyes


Now, what did Adam know about YHVH in Eden

before eating the Forbidden Fruit?




6  The Tree of Knowledge- YHVH values




Since Good and Evil are perspectives seen in YHVH’s eyes,

It comes out that before eating from the Tree of Knowledge Good and Evil,

Adam was oblivious to YHVH’s values.


Indeed, living under the Tree of Life,

in a place bereaved of sorrow and death,

There was no meaning to MERCY and COMPASSION.


But Adam could feel, other features of YHVH’s values

like YHVH’s HOLINESS, JOY and LOVE for him


Thus, in summary, Adam had only a partial awareness of

Both YHVH and ELHM;

Each Attribute giving up some of His Power and Glory

for the sake of having Adam living in Eden

sparing him seeing agony and death.


So in Eden

He understood Right from Wrong, Truth from a Lie

And he could feel HaShM’s Holiness and Love for him


Now the Torah describes how

Adam is FORMED in Eden- in love




7 Three Levels of Our Soul




G-d’s Love for him is seen in the way Adam was FORMED

As it is said:


And YHVH ELHM FORMED the Adam from the ground

And he blew into Adam’s nostrils the soul of life, neshama

And Adam became a living being” nefesh, hayah (Genesis 2: 6)


Neshama is the Soul,

Nefesh is a lower level of the Neshama

Chaya  is “Life”

Lets’ explain those concepts


The verse describes how

Adam became alive by a kiss from YHVH ELHM’s Lips:

YHVH ELHM blew His Breath into Adam’s nostrils,

Something He did not do  with any other creature


The verse mentions here three elements of our soul –

 Neshahma, Nefesh, Chaya

what are the differences between them?


The Midrash explains:  Imagine a glassblower

blowing his breath into a glass tube, forming a glass vessel.


The part of His Breath farther down the tube is the Chayah

That controls the most basic elements of life in our body

that we share with all living creatures, including Vegetation and Single Cell.


The second part, occupying the middle of the tube, is the Nefesh

That controls our body’s organs, which  we share with the rest of the animal Kingdom


The part closer to the CREATOR’S Lips, The Neshama (soul)

is unique to Mankind, connecting us directly to the CREATOR’s Lips


These three levels constitute a “spiritual Umbilical Cord

that connects our souls to the CREATOR


Why does Moses bother telling us about our Soul?



 8 Sin Damages our connection to G-d’s lips 



We can enforce our Neshama by our merits,

by obeying to ELHM’s Laws

and by doing YHVH’s work


On the other hand,

We can damage our Nesham  Cord

by our Sins, and or by doing “Evil in YHVH’s eyes”


it is said that

The Neshama Cord enters our soul at birth

And departs from us at our death

To sit again at the CREATOR’S Heavenly Throne


Our task in life is to send our Neshama back to our CREATOR

to sit on a higher position at His Throne.

To enjoy a higher level of Joy and Holiness.

We accomplish it,  by  becoming Very Good in YHVH ELHM”s eyes


 Sin   would either  

stain our Spiritual Umbilical Cord,

damage it, or

sever it altogether from G-d’s lips.


It all depends on the level of sin

how sinner we are in ELHM’s eyes

and how evil we are in YHVBH’s eyes


A milder sin would stain our Neshama,

making it look impure or tainted   in YHVH ELHM’s eyes.

We would feel deposed in ELHM’s eyes

And feel ashamed In YHVH’s eyes

This is referred to as the AESTHETIC ASPECT OF SIN


A graver sin, would damage our Spiritual Cord

And might even affect our body.

Such a damage can be repaired

by repentance and starting all over again


A Very Bad sin, like being Evil,

Would sever our connection to G-d altogether

With no chance of repair or repentance


Example ?

 The People of Sodom and Gomorrah 

Were “exceedingly  Evil in YHVH eyes,”

Meaning- They “knew YHVH yet rebelled against Her,” (Rashi)

doing the opposite of Her values on purpose, in rebellion

so they were OVERTURNED by YHVH


Another example :

The Nation of Amalek, whose Evil was so great

Who attacked Israel our of hatred,

While knowing who YHVH was

Being descendant of Abraham

A close kin to Israe


The Torah in  Exodus says that the Amalek’s evil

Was so great, that they “broke,” conceptually

YHVH’s Name to two parts:  Y-H and V-H.

Her Name, Moses says, would be “fulfilled”

When Amalek and its kind would be wiped  out

From the face of Earth


These two examples show y how

Evil behavior can not only

stain or damage our Cord Connection to our CREATOR

but rather sever it altogether beyond repai



9  The most Basic Definition of Sin  



Here we’ve arrived at the most basic notion of Sin:

Sin is an action that damages our Spiritual Umbilical Cord

that connects us to our CREATOR’S Lip


Now the Torah proceeds to add another definition of Sin:



Sin is to disregard

 Our heavenly Father’s Advice



As soon as Adam was FORMED, YHVH ELHM

gives him a WARNING, an ADVISE, saying:

“And YHVH ELoKiM Commanded on the Adam, saying,
Of every tree of the Garden you may freely eat,

But of the Tree of Knowledge Good and Evil you shall not eat of it,
For on the Day that you eat of it you shall DIE.” (Genesis 2:16-1


Here YHVH ELHM warns Adam not to eat from the Tree of Knowledge

less something terrible would happen to him

as it is said: “The day you eat it you shall die!”


But as we know, Adam at that stage could not

comprehend the warning “You shall die”.

For he had never witnessed death, under the Tree of Life!


Yet YHVH ELHM – his Heavenly PARENTS, so to speak

expected him to obey, nevertheless, their ADVICE


Not unlike a small child or a toddler growing in his parent’s home

Who warn him:

“do not touch the poison ivy out there in the garden

for the moment you touch it you’d get an allergic reaction and even die! “


The child does not comprehend the meaning of his parent’s words,

he does not know what allergy or “death” are,

yet he abides by their warning, their advice,

and avoids the poison ivy out of his TRUST in them

being aware of their Love to him

and also driven by his desire not to hurt their feeling

or raise their anger at him


Adam, at that stage in Eden is like such a child.

Though he does not yet know what “death” is,

Yet he would listen to his PARENT’S advise

and avoid   the Forbidden Fruits.

out of TRUST and Love to his Heavenly Father.


So here we’ve arrived at the Second, higher definition of Sin:

Sin is to disregard our FATHER IN HEAVES’s Advice


So far, we have two definitions of Sin

1  Sin is an act that damages our soul’s connection to the CREATOR

2 Sin is to disregard our FATHER IN HEAVES’s Advice


The Torah proceeds to introduce a higher meaning of Sin



10 Sin is to disobey G-d’s Command



Let’s read again the warning verse-


And YHVH ELoKiM Commanded on the Adam, saying,

Of every tree of the Garden you may freely eat .


But of the Tree of Knowledge Good and Evil you shall not eat of it,
For on the Day that you eat of it you shall DIE.” (Genesis 2:16-1


The rabbis noticed that the word “Commanded” here is superfluous.

It could have simply say: “ELHM told” Adam.”


Tradition therefore says that, indeed,

YHVH ELKM gave Adam here   a COMMAND

to stay away from the Forbidden Tree

raising the level of the warning from 




YHVH ELHM also gave Adam here another Six Commandments: 







Which constitute the “Primordial Six Commandments of Adam”

that all Mankind are aware from birth,

as if they are NATURAL MORAL CODE


No person on Earth may claim he is unaware

Of these basic Moral Code

That we’ve inherited from Edwen!


They are so prevalent, that many philosophers

Have recognized them as our Natural Moral Code.


But the truth is that there is nothing Natural about them.

They are “gifts” from our CREATOR

Given to us way back in Eden

For our welfare and benefit



In addition of advising Adam about the Forbidden Fruit,

The Heavenly Parent – YHVH ELHM – Commanded him

to avoid the Tree

and also to abide to by the Six Commandments,


The emphasis here is on the world Commanded Vs Advice

You wouldn’t Command a child. You’d advise him.

You’d command a grown-up boy, or a young lad

who understands AUTHORITY

Such a grown son would not listen to the Parent’s advice,

But would response top authority

Such as a School Principle, or a King


Hence by Commanding Adam, YHVH ELHM

Related to him not only as a Heavenly FATHER

But also as a Heavenly KING,

in short as Our FATEHR our KING, “avinu malkenu”


A term we use in prying to G-d once a year, on Rosh Hashanah,

the Annual Anniversary of the creation of Adam



Hence, we have so far three definitions of Sin:

  1. Sin is an act that damages our soul’s connection to G-d
  2. Sin is to disregard our Loving Heavenly FATEHR’s ADVICE
  3. Sin is to disobey our HEAVENLY FATHER-KING’S COMMAND



The stage is set up for the next level of Sin.

On that we’ll learn next class